Hmm...I hear that many of my blog friends are having problems leaving comments! Not just here but on other places as well. I wonder what is happening? Oh well...I send my love to you all, comments or no comments!
I have added some links, just to the side, for my friends. Please visit them and enjoy their wonderful spots in cyber space!
Well, last night we gained another family member! My dear friend, PMB, brought us Henry. King Henry the First is still in hiding, under Grace's bed, and has yet to come out and eat, drink or answer a call of nature. I know he will when he is ready! (Or, at least I hope so!) He was one of a litter born in in a very wooded, secluded area. My buddy is a savior to kitties to be sure. All have now been placed in good homes. He is neutered, de clawed and up to date on his shots. Now, if we can just get him to trust us...
I do remember Lucy took a little while to decide we were okay. Hard to believe that fact when I look down and see her all cozied up in my lap. Kip knows that something is going on behind Gracie's door. Lucy, as of yet, does not seem to care! Henry is a cutie and I hope he will come 'round soon.
Dan just emerged from Henry's new room and said he did come out to look at him, sniffed once and ran back under the bed. Maybe it was the goatee?
Grace has deemed him HERS and is worrying herself crazy over when and how he will take to her (and us). She is a regular little Mama!
The sun is out now after a deluge of rain yesterday. It was errand day for Mom and me but we stayed fairly dry. Fairly being the operative word here!
Today Grace and I are heading to Esther Price (local candy stores par excellence!) to get a few gifts for some special folks. Then we head to Petsmart and Grandma's for dinner. At 6 we will go to my brother's house and watch the Boo while his Mama and Daddy go to an office Christmas party. We always have fun doing that!
Speaking of my brother, he brought over a most wonderful chair for us this week! A new desk chair that is the most luxurious leather, a warm brown, well padded and so cozy! I doubt I will ever get Daniel out of it! He is loving sitting there while working on his computer software.
It was a nice surprise and oh so welcome! Brother's can be pills and headaches to be sure (no matter their ages!) but, they can also be joys and helpmates and friends. Mine can be both but,
thankfully, the later is more the case than not!
I was almost 11 when he was born and so thrilled to be a sister! My parents had to pry me away from him. I wanted to do everything for him! Now he is grown and the father of his own son. Time flies doesn't it?
Just a week until Billy gets home!! Yippee!
Have a wonderful day!
I sure hope Henry comes our soon. He will learn to love his new family. :o) Jolene
i'm telling you, Blogger had PMS all day yesterday. and i couldn't even get in some blogs that weren't even ON Blogger!
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