From Missy's wonderful blog....
~The Alphabet of Me~
Drum roll please.
A-Attached or Available: Very very attached
(Together for 30, married for 28 years) to my handsome husband Bill. I kinda like him a lot. Really. He is cute. And he does laundry.
B - Best Friend: My husband comes first but also, I am blessed to have so many friends to love. No particular order in my list...just women I would die for. That sounds so melodramatic but it is true. I trust each of them with my life.
C - Cake or Pie: Why do I hafta choose? Phooey, I am no good at rules so I choose chocolate cake AND deep dish apple pie. So there.
D - Drink of choice: Coca-Cola, Straight up. With ice.
E - Essential Item(s) you use everyday: Computer, van, television, newspaper, toothbrush, shower, hair spray, mascara & clothes...no one wants to see me without those last 3 items beleive me.
F - Favorite color: Blue
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Bears hands down. Hands up. With gummies in them.
H - Hometown: Dayton, Ohio. Born and bred and proud of it.
I - Indulgence: M & Ms. LOTS of M & Ms. Hershey Kisses. LOTS of them.
J - January or February: February. I love Valentine's Day. I am a sap remember?
K - Kids & Names: Daniel and Grace
L - Life is Incomplete Without? My husband, my kids, my family, my friends and my pets and doing these lists. Hey. I LOVE lists. Really!
M - Marriage Date: August 26th
N - Number of Siblings: 1 Brother, Jim
O - Oranges or Apples: How about Clementine Tangerines...can I choose those? I am not very good at rules you know!
P - Phobias or Fears: Losing my loved ones...not something I think about daily but the only thing that strikes any real fear in my heart.
Phobias? I do not like total darkness. Or spiders and snakes. Or spiders and snakes in the dark.
Q - Fave Quote: Speak tenderly to them. Let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don't only give your care, but give your heart as well. ~Mother Teresa
R - Reason to Smile: Life. My loved ones. Animals. Music. Art. Breaking rules.
S – Season: Autumn. It is so breathtaking.
T - Tag 3 people: Terri, and I think most of my other blog buddies have already beed tagged!
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I LOVE teddy bears. I LOVE Brian Dennehy (who is a teddy bear of a man). I LOVE British sit coms. I LOVE to bend rules. Oh wait. You already knew that.
V - Vegetable You Don't Like: Hm. I like most veggies. Wait. Um...nope. I like that one too.
W - Worst Habit: Procrastination
X - Xrays: Chest, throat, breast, arm, knee, skull, dental, oh sheesh. I am 50 now..it is all falling apart! : ) It might be easier to ask me what part of me has NOT seen a dose of radiation!
Y - Your Fave Food: Pasta, any. Chinese, any. So I picked 2. No good at rules you know.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. The traits are: mysterious, secretive, stubborn, determined,
sarcastic, intuitive and absolutely no good at rules.
I rather like that you bend the rules! I do believe I once heard that they were made to be broken so you've achieved that rule!!!
I so enjoy your blog.
what so happened to us?! when did everything start going to H*%l in a handbasket?
sucks to be old, worse to die young!
How funny!! This is great.
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