Okay, okay. But it DID get your attention didn't it? Now, calm down and breathe. You still have time...359 days to be exact! Now, get crackin'! Or not. Yeah, I'll hush about it for now! But you just wait! 350 days from today I will be warning you!
Soooo, how was YOUR day? I hope it was a sweet one. We had a fine one here in the Midwest.
The sun came out and it was warm! Well, by late December standards. Really enjoyable.
We had neighborhood visitors at Rabbit Run Cottage this afternoon and we always enjoy that. Then Grace's best friend, Miss M, came to play. Those 2 girls can just giggle and twinkle and sparkle for hours. It is a hoot to listen to them.
At 4 pm we picked up Mom and she, Bill, Grace, Miss M and I headed to our favorite pizza place, Marion's. There waiting were 3 of my oldest (no age cracks now) and dearest friends. We shared pizza, Cokes, laughter and stories. Sadly, someone was missing! My sweet buddy M's husband was really feeling ill today and had stayed home to rest. We all knew she was concerned but did not wish to disappoint us. (I told you she was sweet!) She checked in with him and he was feeling worse...she left to be with him and called later to say he was still quite ill but did not wish to see a doctor. We gave her assurances that we were there to help if needed (I think they already knew that!) and would be thinking about them. C. is not a complainer at all (Like my Bill) so for him to say "I feel ill" means he is feeling horrifically rough. We are thinking about him tonight and praying he will feel better for New Year's Eve. Heck, just feel better as soon as can be dear C.!
Now, why is it so hard for some to admit they are ill? And why are these people usually men? Hmmm? Just asking dear Bill...yeah YOU! He and C. are so much alike. Bill will never admit to feeling bad. He soldiers through when he should just wave the white flag and stay in bed. Silly man.
Even with worry about C., being with M., P., and T., is always so special to me. I never take these times for granted. I am so lucky and am blessed that they love my family too. Heck, they even like me, warts and all.
After we made our plans for New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day (Yes, early I know
but we needed to check dates and times with everyone) we all headed out. Our little group decided to take a drive and ended up in Yellow Springs and Clifton, Ohio. Oh how I love Yellow Springs...always have. Some of the greatest little shops filled with unique treasures and delights. Superb restaurants and a fantastic movie house. Oh, and Uncle Fub's Toy Shop. The smallest store filled to the brim with all manner of fun and frolic!
Just beyond Yellow Springs lies Clifton. A tiny, sweet place that has an amazing old mill. During the holiday season, it magically springs to life. Thousands upon thousands of twinkling lights, a tiny, animated village, a stupendous Santa Claus collection, hot chocolate and apple cider. Not a bad combination eh?
The girls had the best time...that animated village alone could keep you busy looking for hours!
Well, it's late and Bill, Kip, Lucy and Henry all have a huge head start on snoring so I need to catch up!
Stay well and enjoy your Saturday.
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