5 For Friday Fun Quiz
1. What TV show have you seen every episode of?
2. What show makes you laugh until you cry?
3. What show do you wish had not been cancelled?
4. If you could have just one television show running constantly,
which show would it be?
5. Who is your favorite TV character, either past or present?
1. I Love Lucy
2. I Love Lucy
3. I Love Lucy
(Hey! I would still watch! Can't you just
picture Ricky and Fred and Ethel and Lucy
in a home for scrappy seniors? Okay.
VERY senior seniors.
VERY, VERY, VERY seniors?
Well, it IS possible isn't it? Well?
Okay, lie to me, humor me!
I cry very easily you know.)
4. I Love Lucy
5. Lucy McGuillicuddy Ricardo
I know, I know. You think I am a tad bit obsessed? Really? Nah. All I want to do is hop a train to NYC and visit the folks at 623 East 68th Street.
I want to go shopping with Mrs. Mertz and Mrs. Ricardo. We will look for hats! Hats that will impress even Carolyn Appleby! Ricky and Fred and Bill will complain about the prices we paid but they will soften by the time the credits roll. In fact, they will escort us down to the Tropicana wearing those hats! Oh what an evening we will have.
Dinner and dancing and listening to Ricky serenade us with "Babaloo"....
I just hope that Mrs. Trumball doesn't mind watching Grace while she sits for Little Ricky.
Tag! You are it!
Of course "I Love Luci" also. Heck my hubby was named after Ricky Ricardo. (Rick-or should I say-Ricky)Ricky does not like it when we call him Ricky. :)*laugh*
My sister Rene' LOVES Lucy! She has just started collecting memrobillia, so I plan to try to find her something for her birthday in January.
Saw your link on Shabby in the City's blog and just wanted to say I really think your cottage is tooo cute and I Love Lucy too:-)
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