Henry is OUT! Yes folks, the kitten is among us. Grace came into my room this am, me thinking I had overslept the alarm, and said, "Mommy! Henry loves me!" Seems that Henry had climbed into her bed to snuggle. After a bit, she decided to go out to the garage and retrieve the new bag o'food and bowls so she could get him set up. I get up to wash my face and look at the clock. 3 AM!!! Oh my...Um Grace? Do you think you and Henry could go back to sleep for a tiny bit more??
When the alarm DID go off (at 6), I could hear them happily playing. I went in and he greeted me like an old friend! Let me cuddle him, kiss his head (Yeah, yeah, I kiss my pets. I am a sap.)
The whole drill. We decided to throw caution to the wind and let Kip in for a visit. Kip and he checked each other out and King Henry decided to jump on his back! Now, poor Kip is giving me this look like, "What have YOU done now?" Don't think the new feline is gonna have a problem here. He and Lucy have yet to cross paths. We will soon see how the Lady of the Manor reacts when faced with an interloper.
And Grace was no worse for the wear. She will probably drop quickly tonight. Bedtime will come earlier than usual!
Hopefully pictures will be posted this evening.
I have to take Kip and Mom's doggie, Abby, to the groomer soon. They want to be all shiny and glittery for the holidays.
Have a great day...see you soon.
1 comment:
Do you think you could show us a picture of your new addition?
I hope he stays out, LOL!!
Thanks for all your kind words~Jen
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