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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Saturday, In The Street, I Think It Was A 9th Of June...

Okay, apologies to the group Chicago for that perfectly awful play on one of their hits but it was the 9th of June and it was a street fair! The annual street fair in Yellow Springs, Ohio to be exact and what fun we had! We love Yellow Springs...from Ha Ha Pizza and The Winds Cafe to The Little Art Theater and all the fascinating shops and galleries. The street fairs are always a hit with people and gosh. Were there people! Artists, musicians, acrobats, puppeteers, storytellers, great food and throngs and throngs and throngs of people!
Aren't these fairies sweet? I thought I would try a little don't think that is me? Aw, what gave it away? Stop laughing....Stop it! Really! Ta Dah! Bye Bye Gracie! See you next year! We hadn't eaten, well, okay, Grace did but the rest of us had not eaten much so a stop at Young's Dairy was a must. Grace and I got a fruit plate... Mom got a chicken salad sandwich...Bill's was gone before I had a chance to snap a photo! The poor man was hungry! We finished our evening at North China, our favorite Chinese place, with our buddy T. After a delicious dinner, we all headed back here to Rabbit Run for movie night. A sweet day to be sure....


Anonymous said...

you crack me up...did you tell everyone not to eat until a photo was taken?

Susie Q said...

Hee hee...yup, then you have to arrange the plates just so...: ) Look at what blogging has turned me into!
And I love every minute of it!

jafabrit said...

Oh my goodness susie, I don't think I have ever seen street fair so jam packed in all the years I have lived here. So many new vendors and street performers. Wasn't that puppet funny!

I tried to keep an eye out for you :) Love the pics.

Dawn Bibbs said...

Wow, you guys sure seem to have a lot of festivals and things like that there. That is too cool!!! I wish they had more stuff like that near us.

Looks like ya'll had bunches of fun. I love pix of food...especially yummy food. Thanks Bill, for eating yours before we could see it..SHEESH!!! lol

I LOVE Chinese food. That's what we had for dinner last night. YUMMY!!!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Wow that looks like fun, I love street fairs. I absolutely loved those dolls? fairies? whatever they were in the first photo! Oh to be able to make something like that!
Grace ALWAYS looks like she's having a fabulous time!