2.Buy on line or in a store?
I love Amazon and can always find some great deals through their booksellers program. But you know? There is nothing like spending some time in a bookstore. The peace and quiet...all those books and periodicals at your fingertips. There is often a coffee shop with pastries and the smells...ooh.
And I adore a musty old bookstore...like the ones found in big cities. There is just something really magical about places like that. You never know what you are going to discover!
3. Favorite bookstore?
I love all sorts of book sellers but here we have one called Books & Company. They have the most wonderful programs, music and children's events on the weekends and wonderful authors speaking and book signing. There are now 2 B&C stores here and the newer one has a magnificent fireplace upstairs near the children's area. This area also has perfectly cozy window seats and on a Winter's day it is sheer Heaven!
4. Bookmark or dog ear?
BOOKMARK!!!! Dog ear a wonderful hardback book?? Argh....
5. Keep, throw away, or sell?
Keep the ones that mean the most to us, donate the others to hospitals, libraries, etc. NEVER throw a book away!! Ack!
6. Short story or novel?
Both can be just wonderful!
7. Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
I really like to make it to the end of a chapter....unless I nod off earlier! I used to fall asleep with a book at my side, wake up in the middle of the night and finish the chapter!
8. New or used?
Great deals can be had on both!
9. Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading? It depends...is it the weekend? Are we on vacation? Why am I asking you all these inane questions? Night time usually because it is quiet and still and the chores of the day are done.But there are some mornings when a book calls to me! But, ask me about my decorating books? I am always scouring them. Morning, Noon and night time. They are my inspiration and relaxation!
10. Stand Alone or Series? Most of my very favorites are stand alone books. I do read Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series now and, of course, there is Harry Potter.
11. Favorite Series? Harry Potter is wonderful! The Little House series, Junie B. Jones...I know, I know. These are children's books but they are so special! OOH! The Chronicles of Narnia!
For a little more grown up reading, I love 2 series that Lawrence Block writes. His Matthew Scudder mysteries and Bernie Rhodenbarr "The Burglar Who...." mysteries are such fun. I love it when Bill reads them to me at night...so relaxing and cozy.
Francis Mayes books on Tuscany. Do they count as a series?
Peter Mayle's books on Provence/France. Ooh La La!
12, Favorite Books Read Last Year?
Marley and Me, The Glass Castle, 1,000 Places To See Before You Die.
Sarah Vowell's books, Assassination Vacation and The Partly Cloudy Patriot.
From Amazon...I want to hang out with Sarah Vowell. More to the point I want to take in some museums and historical landmarks with her and listen in on her conversations with curators, docents and misinformed teenagers (is there any other kind?). The great thing about Vowell is that in reading one of her books you feel as though you ARE hanging out with her and the assorted lucky friends and relatives who accompany her around America's historical sites.
13. On your “to read” pile right now?
Einstein: His Life and Universe, The Pirate Queen: Queen Elizabeth I.
14. Favorite books of all time?
Whew. That is tough isn't it? Straight away I must say The Diary of Anne Frank. The most powerful and moving book of all time. A must read for every person on the planet.
To Kill a Mockingbird....another must read. Hands down one of THE best examples of American literature.
Blue Highways: A Journey Into America by William Least Heat- Moon.
His journey into America began with little more than the need to put home behind him. At a turning point in his life, he packed up a van he called Ghost Dancing and escaped out of himself and into the country. The people and places he discovered on his roundabout 13,000-mile trip down back roads ("blue highways") and through small, forgotten towns are unexpected, sometimes mysterious, and full of the spark and wonder of ordinary life.
Peter Jenkins' A Walk Across America and The Walk West.
Twenty-five years ago, a disillusioned young man set out on a walk across America. This is the book he wrote about that journey -- a classic account of the reawakening of his faith in himself and his country.
"I started out searching for myself and my country," Peter Jenkins writes, "and found both." In this timeless classic, Jenkins describes how disillusionment with society in the 1970s drove him out onto the road on a walk across America. His experiences remain as sharp and telling today as they were twenty-five years ago -- from the timeless secrets of life, learned from a mountain-dwelling hermit, to the stir he caused by staying with a black family in North Carolina, to his hours of intense labor in Southern mills. Many, many miles later, he learned lessons about his country and himself that resonate to this day -- and will inspire a new generation to get out, hit the road and explore.
Anything by Bill Bryson. Notes From A Small Island, A Walk In The Woods, his African Diary, Made In America, The Mother Tongue, Neither Here Nor There, I'm A Stranger Here Myself, In A Sunburned Country, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, A Short History Of Nearly Everything...pure delight on every page.
I enjoyed this meme at Cheryl's and now here at your place!
What a very cool meme, I hadn't seen this one before! Books are certainly something we can't seem to do without:-) I'm not into book reading much anymore but I'm sure into magazines! lol xox
that is a cool one, let me know, please, if i can borrow! thanks love!
What a great list of reading material. I'll have to find a few of them that I haven't read. It was fun to see your reading adventures.
Great post Sue. I'll be back later to get some reading ideas.
Life At Home
Just LOVE your answers!! And I found two books and authors I've never read--Peter Jenkins and Bill Bryson. Will have to check those out!
And, oh, I also love the Peter Mayle's books!
Thanks for joining in!!!
"To Kill a Mockingbird" is my all-time favorite book!
And I'm glad to see you listed "A Walk Across America." I read it long ago and it was amazing!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What a wonnnnnnderful list of books!!! I already have 2 coming from the library.
Thank you!!!!!
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