It was a dark and stormy day...no wait. That is the beginning of a bad pulp fiction book. It is actually a cloudy day with periods of rain. The cold front pushed it's way into our area last night with a fierce blow. In short, the perfect day to snuggle in and watch a movie. With buttered popcorn.
Of course, first things first. The laundry was washed, dried, folded and put away. The vacuuming finished and the dishwasher is humming. Grace is doing some sewing. I have come upstairs to do a bit of writing here, on my laptop and in my journal. I am also constantly writing in a notebook....ideas for future work. Lucy, our cat, is cuddled in my lap, purring ever so loudly. Kip, our dog, is snoring next to my leg. Uh huh. He snores. Just like my husband. Gently, with an almost hypnotic sort of prattle. When they are both really tuckered out, and in perfect snoring form, it is night music orchestrated to pure perfection.
I had been a bit down over the past few days but don't children have a way of helping you through the rough patches?
Grace woke me this morning with breakfast in bed. She can be the most amazing girl! On the tray were sliced bananas and oranges (Do not fear. She has a very safe knife she is allowed to use!), a Dove chocolate drop and a mug of Cran-Grape Juice mixed with just the right amount of Ginger Ale. A lovely wake up cocktail!
She had gathered leaves from our yard and arranged them on the tray, along with a napkin she shaped into a fan. Now, I ask you. How can any Mom be sad with a daughter like this?
Her brother woke and joined us. He sat on the edge of the bed like he did as a child. The 2 of them teased and cajoled one another and there were giggles aplenty. Nothing does a mom's heart more good than listening to their children laugh. No matter the age!
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