It was hard to get up this morning! Rain was pouring down on the roof and even our Kipper was not keen to hop up and greet the day. The flannel sheets (which need to be changed by the way!) just felt all the more cozy and I was still dreaming about vineyards in Provence! Still, the alarm's jarring bell would not be ignored...
Grace and I shared Cheerios and tangerines this morning. She was all chatter and giggles so we were enjoying ourselves quite a bit. I was reading to her from the paper (Which our Kipper brought in for us! He is practically a genius! Well...maybe not *practically* but...) as I often do when I came to one of our favorite local columns. It has been lovingly written for years by a very dear man and always has something heartfelt and inspirational to share. I was surprised to find MY name in it this morning! Grace was thrilled! I really do not know how inspirational it will be for you to read it but have been warmed by the knowledge that many military wives have found comfort in it. I have heard from quite a few
of them and do know it was to be used in one wedding ceremony held in San Diego.
It is a poem I wrote just after Bill returned from the first Gulf War.
It seems that my husband and the columnist had banded together to surprise me....it worked.
I will share a bit of the article with you here:
"...Sue was married to a Navy officer for 27 years. She wrote a poem about life as a military wife.
Her husband, Bill, now retired from the Navy, lives with his wife, son Daniel, 24, adopted from Korea in 1990, and daughter Grace, 8, adopted from China in 2004.
'Sue's poem was selected to be printed in the book Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul', he said. 'I am very proud of her.'
Here is a copy of the poem with permission to share it.
A Navy Wife's Prayer
How often we've stood on dark flight lines and piers.
'I love you, I'll miss you' whispered through tears.
During long separations, in peace time, at war
My nights filled with dreams of this man I adore.
With only my memories to hold close at night
I live for the day God returns my sunlight.
Yes, life goes on when your loved one's at sea
But the ache never leaves, the fear stays with me.
Dear Lord, I need Your guidance, Your love.
Help me be brave, keep Your watch from above.
Hold my dear one so safe in Your heart and Your hand.
Bring him home to his family ... this hero ... my man.
Of us Lord, I pray he'll be filled with such pride
Of how we carried on without him by our side.
Please help time fly quickly and soon I will hold
The hand of the man whose eyes chase the cold.
Whose voice brings delight, whose touch eases pain.
How will I ever say "Farewell" again?
With your help dear God, I'll try to stay strong.
And pray that his time here at home will be long.
Still I know that the Navy will need him, I sigh.
But we'll face it together, Dear Lord, you and I.
You can purchase this poem along with other stories in the book 'Chicken Soup for the Military Wife's Soul: Stories to Touch the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit' at most local book stores or at amazon.com."
That was really beautiful, no wonder it will be included in the chicken soup book.
What a lovely poem! How thoughtful of your husband to know how heartfelt your poem was and to have it published--sweet!
You all are too kind...I guess I am a silly sap but I still feel that way 'bout him. Even after 30 years!
Thanks for your uplifting comments! You are appreciated!
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