See? All it needed was a little love!
playing in the kitchen this morning. Doesn't this music make you want to dance? Okay, maybe it's just me but...no one will see me except the dog and cat and they won't tell!
This little television treasure is just another film/show (Ferris Bueller, Silverado, When Harry Met Sally, ET AL) that I can spout verbatim...is that just sad? I always had trouble memorizing facts for school but when it came to movie lines...well, heck. This was much more fun.
I loved "A Charlie Brown Christmas" as a child and was thrilled to share it with our son on his first American Christmas, 1990. Two years ago, my new daughter and I snuggled under a quilt and watched it together for the first time. Dan still watches, now with his little sis. Tradition? I hope so!
Schroeder: This is the music I've selected for the Christmas play. [Schroeder is playing Fur Elise]
Lucy Van Pelt: What kind of Christmas music is *that*?
Schroeder: Beethoven Christmas music.
Lucy Van Pelt: What has Beethoven got to do with Christmas? Everyone talks about how "great" Beethoven was. Beethoven wasn't so great.
[Schroeder stops playing]
Schroeder: What do you mean Beethoven wasn't so great?
Lucy Van Pelt: He never got his picture on bubble gum cards, did he? Have you ever seen his picture on a bubble gum card? Hmmm? How can you say someone is great who's never had his picture on bubble gum cards?
Lucy Van Pelt: You DO think I'm beautiful, don't you, Charlie Brown?
Lucy Van Pelt: You didn't answer me right away. You had to think about it first, didn't you? If you really had thought I was beautiful, you would've spoken right up. I know when I've been insulted. I KNOW WHEN I'VE BEEN INSULTED.
Charlie Brown: Good grief.
Patty: Try to catch snowflakes on your tongue. It's fun.
Linus Van Pelt: Mmm. Needs sugar.
Lucy Van Pelt: It's too early. I never eat December snowflakes. I always wait until January.
Linus Van Pelt: They sure look ripe to me.
Charlie Brown: Isn't there anyone out there who can tell me what Christmas is all about?
Linus Van Pelt: Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you. Lights, please.
[a spotlight shines on Linus]
Linus Van Pelt: "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the fields, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the lord shone round about them, and they were so afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold, I bring unto you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you this day is born in the City of Bethlehem, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men'". That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie brown."
And, as they say at the end of the show...
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!
"Hark the Herald Angels Sing...."
i LOVE that moment, when Linus recites the Christmas story from Luke...it always makes me cry.
you know what else is great for Christmas *and i can quote most lines from* is Santa Claus is Comin' to Town...so 70's and i LOVE IT!!!
I so love Charlie Brown movies. They just make me feel good and remember my childhood...love that!
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