One of my favorite pictures of Bill and Grace from Christmas 2005
After Grace left for school this morning, I decided to enjoy a mug of hot cider and read some of my favorite blogs. One just tickled me so because it hit home with a loud bang! Christmas cards. Home made cards to be exact.
I have blog friends who make hundreds of their own and are SO creative. I admire them. Their cards are little jewels. I wish to be just like them. Maybe next year!
I used to make my own greeting cards. I stamped, I stenciled, I glued, I drew or I photographed...in short, I was creative! The desire to be that way again is there but that itch will have to wait until next year to be scratched! With Bill away until just before the holiday and some new things to do here, there are not enough hours in the day! Or, maybe, I am just dabbling in a little procrastinating! Guilty as charged!
But hey, I DO have all my shopping done (as of this morning), the outdoor roping and bows are placed (Thank you Honey!), the porch tree decorated and lit and the antique sled decorated and in it's place of honor. The tree is up and waiting for us to make it all pretty. The mantle is almost finished. All of the decoration boxes are out and stand at the ready...so, in short, we are making headway. Remember, it is not yet December! Okay, that is what *I* keep telling myself so panic does not set in!
Grace is creating a scrapbook, all by herself, for her aunts and uncles. She is doing an amazing job! My little artist! I know that the recipients will treasure their gift. Oh, and *she* is drawing and coloring all of her cards.
Okay, back to the topic at hand...MY lack of home made cards this year...
I did, however, find some darling "they look home made" cards that we will be sending to friends and family. I have had a family picture copied for each card and am just now beginning to address them all. Then a family letter will need to be written and copied. I also add hand written notes to each card. I actually love doing that so it is no chore.
I guess I need to remember that what matters is the love we send to those who receive our cards...that we enclose our heartfelt good wishes for the season and coming new year. Okay, like so many, I *do* wish I had created my own cards this year but hey. The sentiment will be the same inside of these store bought beauties. We wish you a blessed season. A happy, warm and sweet Christmas Day. We wish you good health and happiness in the coming year. We wish Sue had not been such a procrastinator!
Still, I had some great ideas...maybe I can work on next year's cards this Summer! I will get started earlier. That is a vow.
Grace and I will team up and get those "made with our own 2 hands" babies out to everyone. I swear. Really. Stop snickering now...
What a wonderful, thought provoking, heartfelt post! I enjoyed my first visit to your lovely blog and I'll be back! Thank you for sharing AND for your sweet comment on my blog! :-)
Susie, you are too funny!! I would love, love, love to make our Christmas cards too. Have you seen the ones Jolene is making ... one word ... AWESOME!!! Maybe I can make some next year too. Griffin will be a little older and perhaps he can help me. It sounds like Grace is a very talented young lady ... she's a cutie too! Good luck getting your cards completed ... and I'm soooo jealous ... I haven't even really started Christmas shopping yet.
I LOVE Jolene's cards! How I wish I was that talented!
You will get it all done...we all will. : ) I always start to worry about this time of year but is always (somehow) falls into place!
You all are SO sweet. Kim? I meant every word. Your home is to DIE for and I love your blog. Inspiring. Missy? I just love visiting your blog. You are so warm. Special people all and I love getting to know each one of my new blog friends. : )
You are very sweet. Homemade cards are wonderful, but I love to get store bought ones just as well. The best feeling is knowing that someone cares enough to send a card. I display them all on my door so I can appreciate them everytime I go to the door.
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