Good mornin' all....the sun is finally out and it looks glorious!
It has been so dreary of late. What is it about the sunshine that makes you want to go out and accomplish something wonderful in the world? Unfortunately, the only trails I will blaze today will be those of housework & laundry (Uh huh. I know, boring and predictable) but I will take Kip for a nice walk.
Bill will be home on Saturday! I am thrilled. The powers that be are letting him work via laptop and cell phone on Monday-Wednesday so he is driving home tomorrow! A week long visit....
Bill was part of a show on NPR last night (see post below) and had such a great time. It was recorded live and will be aired Sunday on WYSO. And
Dan got a raise at work....yippee! He works so hard and devotes many long hours to the company. And yes, I am proud of him.
Yesterday I had lunch with one of my dearest friends, MLB. She always knows how to perk me up and bring a smile to my face. I had been bothered by something that happened a week ago but she was able to help me put it all in perspective. Friendship is a warm & wonderful thing ain't it?
On Wednesday, I met another special friend, TY, for lunch (Am I turning into one of those ladies who lunch? Egads!). We had been unable to arrange such a meeting earlier so she treated me for my 50th birthday. I really enjoy time spent with her.
She gifted me with some sweet angel trinkets....she is a big collector of the winged creatures.
This reminds me that friends are truly angels in our lives. I am blessed beyond measure by the women (and men) in my life. Okay, I promise not to get too sappy here!
My mother bought a new car this week. New for her...it is a used Avalon, silver and just right for her. She wanted to get her Ohio drivers licence so off we went to the bureau. She aced the exam, as I knew she would. Not so for the 2 16 year old would be drivers on either side of her. I felt so badly for them....I remember those days. Yes I do! Really! Well, it is hazy but...
A group of wonderful friends from my high school alma mater (NO age cracks now!) are meeting for dinner on Monday evening. I missed the last get together but hope to make this one. Such a fun, loving and warm group. I am blessed to know them all.
Grace and I will be watching my nephew Brady tonight and tomorrow. My brother and sis in law are heading up to Columbus for the big game. My cousin C.D. will be driving up from near Knoxville to join them. They have had their tickets for ages and will enjoy very good seats this year. I think it is a sure bet that Jim will come home hoarse from yelling. Believe me. You can bet your life on that.
My good buddy T.H. is having my Mom and us over for homemade soup, a delicious salad and the game. I owe her one this week....can you believe I actually stood her up yesterday evening! What kind of friend am I? She thinks it is funny but I do not. It has been a hectic week and I am definitely sleep deprived but that is NO excuse. Dear T., I owe ya! This is a PUBLIC apology. I am so stupid. D'uh!
I think it will be a risotto kind of night. I may actually get The Booman (my nephew) to eat it. That is, if Grace will share!
Okay, the last few drops of coffee in my cup (I DO actually drink it from time to time! Dan had brewed a pot this morning and it just smelled so good)) are cold and I need to get to work.
I hope your day is a good one. Have a safe and happy weekend.
GO BUCKS!! BEAT BLUE!! Or words to that effect.
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