I just came up to make the bed and it would appear that our Kip needed to catch a few more winks. It was a tough night for my boy. Really. He had to keep watch in order to defend his family from the forces of evil. (IE: The cat up the street, the Collie in the next block, the squirrels, the UPS delivery man, the mail carrier, motorcycles, bicycles, tricycles, icicles, Popsicles, all manner of "icles and cycles". He barely got 12 hours of sleep last night. Brave guy. Never complains.
And no. I DO not approve of spoiling pets. I would never do that. Never. Well, hardly ever. Okay. Maybe. Occasionally. Always.
Hey!...Makes me look, I dunno, kinda lazy, sez Kip.
But Kip! You ARE lazy sweet ums!
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