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Sunday, July 20, 2008

If Only...If Only

I do hope your weekend is a sweet one! Thank you to you all for such uplifting comments!
I truly just wanted to show others who have received those willy-nilly comments, that they are not alone! Don't worry...I am not quite the worrier I was when I was younger! Advancing age does have SOME perks!
And the downer comments don't bother me in the least anymore. I swear! I swear!
Just popped in to say howdedoo before I head out to get my own copy of this new magazine! I hear they published my article but I am a little uneasy that Bill seems to be on the editorial staff. I might HAVE to worry about THAT!
Love and Hugs to you all,
Susie Q


Cherdecor said...

You are always so fun! I love your new header! Have a blessed Sunday!

Connie said...

You're even funnier than ME, sweeeeet rabbit chick!!! Hah...... Well, hubs might not think so because he looks at me and laughs.......and this is when I'm getting out of the shower!!!! I think I need to talk to him about this, don't you?!?!?! Hmmmmm, could be trouble......... ;-)

Brenda said...

You had me fooled I thought it was real for a minute.LOL( not kidding I really did).
As to your post below .When people do mean things I think they must be really unhappy to do such things and I just feel sorry for them.
Best Wishes
P.S you are a very sweet person

Rue said...

You crack me up :)

love and hugs,

Sandy McTier Designs said...

Love the new blog look! Hope you have a fabulous week.
Sandy ;)

Andi said...

Love, love, love your new blog header!!!

I've looked everywhere for a copy of that magazine. Things are always a bit slow coming here to the South!

Pamela said...

he's gotta know about you by now.
Someone must google on his staff to find out what is being said about him.

I'd give my left nut (I can say that since I don't have any) to be there when he calls and says
"Hi Susie Q...this is Brian"

Carolyn said...

This is so fun!

Lallee said...

ROFL Susie! I should have known who would grace the front of your magazine creation ;-) Stop playing so hard to get for poor Brian. You must be driving him crazy.
