Oh yeah...just look at all of those cardboard boxes and overflowing trash cans...counters full of cookie leftovers and the fridge full of tiny plastic boxes filled with 3 or 5 bites of ham, turkey, lasagna and ambrosia salad. Sheesh. And why is it that all of the decorations with which we so lovingly decked our halls just 3 short weeks ago now seem to be closing in on us? Oh yeah...because they ARE! In a house as small as ours those extra trees and bits and bobs may soon develop the ability to devour us all! Eek!
Just thinking about dismantling all the fluff and tinsel makes me sleepy so I think I will go make some popcorn and watch a movie...but first I want to say hello & ask how your Christmas holiday went! Am I just getting older or does it seem that you spend months planning and arranging and shopping and preparing only to have it fly by in a blink of an eye? Yeah, yeah, I KNOW I am old but still...*sigh*
We did have a fine old time here at Rabbit Run Cottage. There were many smiles, lots of laughter and the company of family and friends. Now there is a house full of torn wrapping paper, crumbs on the floor, dirty dishes,
dusty decorations, piles of laundry and one exhausted Susie Q.
But the kids are happy, the cats are happy, the husband is happy and the rest of the family seems happy. Kip didn't get what was on his list...again...and me? Still no Brian Dennehy in my stocking but I did get the next best thing. Okay, maybe the 4th next best thing but hey. I now have his screen worn uniform shirt from Assault on Precinct 13. Yup. Santa felt so bad that he was unable to convince Brian to leave his family and spend the holidays with me that he offered this token instead. Silly Santa.
Although I am tickled positively blue to have this most lovely & treasured memento I will still begin my Christmas list next year with, "Dear Santa, thanks for the used shirt but this year, GET ME DENNEHY!" I think that is ever so polite but quite to the point don'tcha thunk?
So as we slide on out of 2008 and into the unknown abyss that is '09, I will be popping in to visit you all, posting a few pictures of our Christmas festivities and dashing off a bit of nonsense here and there. Just think. 2009 is like a fresh, clean tablet page...not one ink stain or pencil smudge to be seen. It is ours to do with what we will. Let's try to make it a good one.
Have a sweet week, smile a lot, remember how much I adore each of you and be good to yourselves!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q
Kip, dude, good to see you. I'll bet you're as exhausted as are we all! All that trying to be cute for family and friends when they visit. :)
Ours was a happy Christmas, stop by a see our 'make do' tree when you get a chance. I'll be posting more pics when I get them back from being developed too.
Glad to hear you got at least a part of BD. Tell me, did he wash the shirt before he sent it? :) You are such a hoot! xxoo
Sorry, should have checked before I said to stop by as you already did. It's hard getting old. The memory goes first. :) Love your new header by the way. xxoo
I've been packing up my Christmas stuff too. Funny, how plain the house looks now.
I was just telling Brian mine maybe be up until next year. I wish I had someone here in town I knew and trusted to take it all down. I just can't think right now.
Today they are making a decision what to do with mom about where to put her.
I am relieved that it is over, somewhat.... the planning and anticipation start to wear on me! I do love christmas though and am already planning next year's gifts! I want to do a more handmade christmas so we'll see what we will see...
Poor Kip....But YEAH you! Glad you got the shirt, if not the real deal BD....I GUESS his family would have missed him to much but I'm SURE you would have made him feel ever so welcome...hehehe.
My Christmas was more low keyed this year....not as many decorations, less presents, no traveling and it was nice to simplifying. I still have the putting away of decorations that haven't gotten done yet but I figured it took me a while to put them up so I'm not gonna stress about getting them down quickly. I AM going to miss the nice glow of the Christmas tree.....it's a nice little light, don't you think!???
Great post. I love your way with words. Your blog is soooo fun to read!
Ahhh yes, the left over goodies. Well, they didn't last here, but yet I still have cookie dough in my fridge to finish making. :(
Taking down of all the "fluff," do we have too??? I love decorating and having that festive look, but taking it all back down and putting it away isn't as fun. And yes, it does make the place look so empty.
We did have a great Christmas, although more hectic than normal. This tired old granny put things off for too long. Could it be from having kids every day? Ha ha. Or is it old age??? NOOOO!!!! I refuse to get any older. ;) But alls well that ends well.
Yes, everything does seem to be over in a flash. But it is not over yet. It is the 5th day of Christmas today. Hope you get rested up to tackle everything you want to. Happy New Year! I find it hard to believe we are marching into another year.
I see some part of Brian showed up. At least you have his shirt to hold on to until next year! I love the taking down almost as much as the putting up. The potential for a new year is exciting to me. Enjoy your week. Sally
pretty pretty template~
I'm surprised you didn't get a Dennehy cardboard cut out or something in your stocking.
Santa just ain't crackin!
I know what you mean! After Christmas, the decorations just sort of sit there and mock me. But they're coming down this week little by little. Sorry no Brian for Christmas but glad you and your family had a happy day. ((Hugs))
It dopes seem to go by too fast, and yes, all those decorations lose their charm about 24 hours after the big event. My brother ios comng next weekend to hang out for Christmas or my decorations would all be packed up now!
Hi Sue!
It sounds like you had the almost perfect Christmas (well, as perfect as it could get with out BD.....)
I spent the day today taking down decorations....and then everything snow balled...come visit for more info...lol
Hey Sue! Glad to know you had a good Christmas. We did also, here in PA. I don't even think about taking decorations down until after the new year. Of course I'm a last minute kinda gal that doesn't get them up until 5 days before Christmas....
First I have to laugh and say that I read Brenda's comment and I love when she referred to her husband Brian as "mine" so you wouldn't get the impression that she was messin' with YOUR man Brian...too funny!!!
Your exactly right...we plan and prepare for this for months and then in one fell swoop it's all over but the packin up, puttin away and cleaning...UGH! But what fun it is and we do create such marvelous memories.
Have an amazing 2009! Love and Hugs, Andi
I just found your blog, by way of Omah :o) and decided to sift through, sweeping here and there, looking through your photos; when I saw this one.
This one brought a little tear to my eye and has reminded me of my sweetest "Happy" girl that left this world years ago.
Is this your pup? I am ready, I suppose...I must share the photo's of our first two animals {now I have three human animals ;O)}.
Oh...and I see your comments note. I grew up with the nickname of Heather Bunny, a rabbit I must be.
I look forward to visiting again.
Blessings to you ~ Heather
I'll probably start taking down the decorations this coming weekend. Christmas seemed to fly by this year.
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