Yup, that's me all over...waaay behind...always with a great, big, fat excuse of why I am so behind.
*sigh* So I will get OFF my huge behind and catch up abit from being so behind. Hmpf.
Wow. I AM so behind posting and visiting. I guess I really do not have to explain to any of you...life has just been busy. Still, I miss visiting each of you and posting about life here at Rabbit Run. I do want to share a few photos from last weekend...it was a nice 2 days, busy but sweet.
One thing I am far too behind in doing is to give a bloggy shout out to our friend Janet!
She has been such a great friend, has a wonderful sense of humor and, well, she is just pretty
spiffy in every way. I am late in thanking her for the sweet birthday surprise she sent...

I love it! Thank you so much Janet. A real thank you will come soon, till then, know how much I appreciate your friendship. Oh, and your sense of humor. The card was a hoot and a holler.
Last weekend
Such a beautiful entrance drive...
Their lovely home...
Their home is so warm and pretty, their land just beautiful. We had such a good time seeing these special friends again and visiting with the precious non humans in the family...
Horses aplenty...
And there is always the Moonlight BBQ, an Owensboro tradition, for dinner...
House peeping is always a favorite past time...these are some of my favorites near Aunt E's neighborhood...

Still not caught up blogging, way behind it seems...what to do, what to do. I know! I will leave again! Uh huh, we are heading to Pittsburgh tomorrow morning. Each year, just about this time, we meet the family who adopted Grace's Chinese bunk mate. We love this family and have such a good time with them and their girls. Grace starts getting excited about seeing them months ahead. We also hope to meet our sweet blogger friend Meggie! I will have lots of pictures to share and a few stories too I know...till then, please know how much each of you means to me and how much I care about you all.
we visited our friends near Louisville, saw some of Bill's family in Owensboro and took a little side trip to French Lick, Indiana. Uh huh.
The birthplace of one Larry Joe Bird, my own personal basketball hero. *sigh* Oh yes. I was quite the Bird follower, followed the Boston Celtics of that era so closely that it was pitiful. Quite simply, the Boston Celtics were, and are, "the Franchise," Celtics Green is "the color," and the winking leprechaun that serves as the team's logo symbolizes five decades of NBA tradition. Like I said...pitiful huh?

Red Auerbach and Larry Bird
Some of my dearest memories of the 80s and 90s were of watching my guys play ball. Uh huh. MY guys. Parish, McHale, Johnson, Ainge, Bird...and Maxwell, Carr, Wedman, Archibald, Buckner, Henderson, Clark, Kite, Sichting, Carlisle, Williams, Robey, Ford, Walton and Thirdkill *deep breath*...I am probably forgetting a few from those years but an aging Mama hen does not always come up with all her sweet chick's names at once does she? The first time I saw them play, in person, we had court side seats in Washington DC. I thought I had died and gone to Hoop Heaven. Ask me about the dime I still owe Larry or my phone conversation with one Mr. Arnold "Red" Auerbach...or the time I sent boutonnieres for the coaching staff to wear at a game (Yes, I did, they did) Told ya I was pitiful didn't I? Ah but those were the years...huh? Oh, well, yes...I did get a bit sidetracked didn't I? Just the name French Lick brought back so many memories...*sigh* But I digress. Wow did I digress...let's get back to the weekend shall we...
On Friday we headed to our friends' home not too far from Louisville.

Hannah and Shelby

Then it was off to Owensboro and a visit with Bill's Mom's family.
The weather was iffy so we did not make our usual visit to the city's riverfront. But they do have a nice art museum...

On Sunday we headed home via Indiana and the town of French Lick...don't worry. I won't regale you with any more Celtic/Larry Bird stories...*audible sigh heard across the land*...and stopped by the resort hotels. These lovely gems are amazing. If you ever find yourself in the area, do stop by. It is such a treat.
It took more than a
decade and $350 million but the painstaking restoration of Old World artistry returned the former grandeur to this celebrated resort area - Old World yes but with modern flair. These gems once hosted the likes of Al Capone, The Marx brothers, the Kennedy clan and most every celebrity of the day. Now, all of us can visit this grand old dame.

Be good to yourselves, smile often and savor each moment.
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q
Susie, I know I forgive you! Remember, you hung in there with me when I was super busy!! Don't worry, come see me when you can! I love those houses. I wish houses like that were near me. Beautiful.
Sue, your photos are just breathtaking! I love that first one with all the colorful trees!
Sounds you had a blissful time there. Have a wonderful time on your next trip. We'll be here waiting upon your return!
Being behind doesn't count if you are off living life! Looks like more fun than sitting in front of a computer:>) Lots of great things to see. The tassel you got from Janet is wonderful! What a sweetie. Relax and have a good time, we miss you, but we'll be here when you get back:>)
Busy busy lady. But go, wander the world. We will live vicariously through your adventures. And a Celtics fan....oh my heart be still. I'm not really into basketball, but any team from New England is a winner in my book. I love all your photos. You really should publish a book. Enjoy your next visit with friends and we will all be here awaiting your tales of adventure.
Hey Susie Q. I just love all those photos, they are all so beautiful. The homes are just so pretty. Love all the horses your friends have, I am a huge Horse nut.. You know I live about 6hrs for French Lick, and have not been there yet, Hubby and I have driven by on our way south, but have yet to stop. I know shame on me, after hearing and seeing, I had better go and check it out. Have a fun and safe trip.
WOW, what FANTASTIC photo's!!
Thanks for sharing them! Almost like being there through your pics.
Take care
I was just by the Kroger on 48 and watching the moon the whole way home. Hoping I would still have a good view once I got home!!
I just love a full moon!
Take care and you have a great weekend too.
Not sure my email reply went through to you last week. I am still learning the gmail thing and sorrily I am not doing well with it...
Well, I suppose you can have the Celts if Phil Mickelson can be my second husband. And he is, you know. Have fun on your next trip, and stop beating yourself up about being behind. This is a pleasure, not a pressure. xxxooogretchen
No wonder you're so far behind...you actually have a life. I need to get me one of them!
Thanks for your kind words about my daughter. You and I know just how special those adopted daughters can be!! Have a fun trip to visit Grace's friend. How neat that you keep in touch. Sally
Hi Susie Q!
You have so much to do day to day, and a trip always takes a while to get back in the groove at home doesn't it? It was so nice to see a new post anyway.
Love those houses, and what darling pictures of Grace.
*Please email me. :)
PS That tassel is so pretty. What a lovely gift!
That "behind" card made me laugh so hard. I loved it and that tassel too! Looks like you had a great trip. Can I have the house with the swing on the porch? Those are always my favs. Grace is so great with the four leggers, isn't she? And they seem to love her too. Hope you all have a fantastic time in Pittsburgh. We'll be here waiting for you, be safe. xxoo
What a lovely place. The horses and dogs were beautiful. And those houses!! WOW.
I hope next year you will be able to visit this area too!!
HI Susie! I'm missed you! I think you've had a good time! Beautiful photos! I love the little postcard! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Great photos Susie!!
I know what you mean, I am so behind.
I feel so bad when I don't visit my blog friends.
Trying to catch up.
I'm way behind too, Sue. I have a couple posts up, but I can't seem to catch up with my visits. Hope to do that soon, but life calls every day and every day, I get behinder and behinder in blogland!
I really enjoyed this post. Gorgeous photos, fabulous narative!
You are very welcome; if I had known the Bombay Company was going out of business sooner I would have bought tassels for all my blogging friends. Sadly I was surprised by the big sale at the time (last winter I think) and grabbed the last two, one for you and one for me.
I love the Celtics, of course, but have never actually been to the "Gahden" to see them. I did see Dave Cowans picking up take out at the local "99 Restaurant" once years ago. Worse yet I never knew that French Lick was a resort town; I always assumed it was just a little town that spawned a big star! Thanks for filling me in.
Have fun with your friends this weekend. I guess i should be glad that when I was adopted I was just a baby in a crib, no cribmate that I am aware of.
Thanks for your lovely review of our town, French Lick, and our hometown hero, Larry Bird. I've enjoyed your blog entries, not knowing we shared many more interests, "CELTICS". Come back anytime. Mothergoose
Oh cute Susie, I know what you mean - I STAY behind now! But always know that I'm thinking of you and treasuring that you are "out there" in Blogland... you are such a sweetheart!
Oh Sue, those pictures are all so beautiful! Don't worry about being behind. I'm even more behind, and I don't have ANY excuse. LOL
And I LOVE it that you sent boutonierres to the Celtics' coaching staff. That is hysterical. :)
Hi Sue :)
Don't you worry! We'll still be here when you get back ;)
That hotel is AMAZING. Have fun on your trip and thank you for the birthday wishes :)
love you,
Oh and who doesn't know and love Janet??? :)
I love the homes,but I have to say the rooster is my favorite.
r u scrapping all of these pictures?
that one horse had a big big belly, was it a she?
but, but, but......
Larry Bird is a HOOOOOOOSIER!
That really hurts...sigh.
Next you'll say you're a John Cougar fan too!
I had to laugh when I read this. I think I was in the 5th or 6th grade when I had a couple of boys in my class CONVINCED that my Aunt Paula was dating Larry Bird. They thought that was so cool.
What a tour!!!!! Thx!
M ^..^
living is a good excuse.
loved your photos. You're sure getting creative and capturing some wonderful art in your lens.
It looks like it was such a nice trip/vacay. I just adore the blue and white rooster, so cute. But I like almost all kinds of rooster ornaments and accents I do not know if because I was born in the year of the rooster.
Oh, yes...life gets in the way of blogging, especially at this time of year...waaay too busy.
I love all your photos...
Have fun on your trip.
I wondered where you have been, but I enjoyed looking at all your pictures. They make me a little homesick when I look at pictures from the midwest. One of these days I want to go back for a visit. If I ever get to return to that area, I surely want to give you a call and meet you in person. You seem like such a delightful lady.
SIGH! Now you are in Pittsburg! You certainly are a gadabout! BUT have a great time, dear Susie! The next thing we will know, you will be changing the name of your blog to "Where in the World is Susie Sandiego?"
That first cartoon just CRACKED ME UP!!! I love it!
Your photos are all just amazing (as always!).
Have a wonderful weekend!
WOW, your photos are amazing, the animals are the best! I still can't find the widget to sign up to be a follower, must be me? Your blog takes a long time to load on my pc so maybe I'm just not seeing it? I love the cartoon too!
Do we or do we not have one of the most beautiful nations in the world? These photos are so sharp and tranquil...thanks for the trip, I was wishing I could go to French Lick!
And yes, I know how it is to get behind...I've cut my list in half, visit one half in the am the other half in the pm...hopefully, I can keep up!
What a special trip! I hope you and especially Grace, have a wonderful time!!!!
Hugs and Smiles,
Gorgeous blue&white tassel! So darn cute!
TY for sharing the photos, too. Sounds like a wonderful trip.
I got such a kick out of that picture at the top of your post. Too funny.
My family went to French Lick on vacation when I was a girl and I loved it. I can still remember the grand hotel we stayed in. My little brother and I had a great time exploring the place.
Love those houses. I want the yellow one with the red door. It looks so homey and cheerful.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, and that you have a chance to catch up on everything soon! :-)
The pics were so awesome. Glad you had a good time in our Bluegrass state....Hugs...m...
I loved seeing your photographs. You are so very talented. I don't know much about basketball but I would like to call for a return to those short pants instead of the long, droopy ones they wear now. :)
My neighbor was over this morning and I pulled this up to show her your photos...we are both agog at the fall drive one...she agrees with me that you need to get it enlarged and framed and hung in your home...or give it as a gift to your son!
Hi Sue
It's good to be busy! Always time to catch up on blogs when in the deep i=of winter.
Enjoy yur family and friends visits.
All your photographs were beautful! I loved all the animals!
I loved Lary Bird too but I was a Knick fan back in he day When Bill Bradley and Dave Debusschere and Earl the Pearl Monroe were on the team....I'm showing my age!
Hugs, Pat
Well, first of all, really fabulous photos -- I mean, each and every one! Sounds like a glorious time! Three cheers!
Now, about Larry Bird and the Celtics -- you are the only other person I've ever met who can name the whole starting line-up, other than me! He was so my hero -- I still have my Larry Bird cereal box (I don't want to know what's growing on the cereal), my collector's place, autographed photo, Christmas tree ornament (yes, I'll take a pic when it all comes out!) and Celtics jersey. Although I might have lost that in my flood a few years ago, as I've not seen it. The best. The golden years. The parquet floor. Oh, we are kindred spirits!
will you please send me some of your photo ju-ju?! dang, you are amazing!
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