I *borrowed* this list from my new blog buddy, "Sally" at Smiling Sally".
It looked like fun so here goes...of course you all know how much I hate doing lists right?
Ahem...well, I will do it for my Billy. After all, this is a list about HIM for a change right?

~The List Of Bill or Is Bill Listing~
1. He's sitting in front of the TV; what is on the screen?
ESPN, The Weather Channel, CNN, The Military History Channel, The Discovery Channel, TCM,
The History Channel or PBS
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does he get on his salad?
Balsamic vinegars, vinegar and oil...or even plain.
Uh huh. Plain.
3. What's one food he doesn't like?
He loves mint and he loves chocolate but he can not stand chocolate mint. Or mint chocolate.
Yes, he is that strange. : )
Oh, and he hates mayonnaise and I do not use the word *hates* loosely!
4. You go out to the bar. What does he order?
I don't think we have ever *gone out to a bar*. Hmmm...but he would order
a Dr. Pepper. He is not a beer drinker and doesn't enjoy most alcoholic beverages. He does like a glass of wine with dinner on occasion. He was always the designated driver/chaperon when the ship ported during deployments. And yes, he DOES have stories....LOTS and lots of stories. : )
5. Where did he go to high school?
Park Hills High School in Fairborn, Ohio. Class of 1974
Yes, he is THAT old.
6. What size shoe does he wear?
10 and a half in dress shoes, a size larger in running or basketball shoes. IE Sports must make your feet bigger. Thus, I do not participate in sports. Uh huh. That's why.
7. If he was to collect anything, what would it be?
Model military aircraft, old military relics, military memorabilia, military art work...do you detect a theme here?
8. What is his favorite type of sandwich?
A Reuben. No dressing. Hands down. Or hands up.
9. What would this person eat every day if he could?
Vegetables. Veggies. Raw. Cooked. Except sweet potatoes. Uh huh, I know.
10. What is his favorite cereal?
Grape Nuts, any sort of Granola. He has hard teeth. And, often, a hard head but I digress...
11. What would he never wear?
Hmm...the man has worn a Smokey the Bear costume at a military children's party, tuxedos at weddings, holey Grateful Dead and Jimmy Buffet T shirts, dress Navy blues, a rabbit costume at another kid's party, (And no, I do NOT have a picture of that but I DO have the Smokey photo. Gotta dig that one out!) Homer Simpson & Scooby Doo undies, putrid
green flight suits and lots of flannel. (Who does he think he is? Norm Abrams? He can't build an oak hutch. Norm can...but I digress.)
In other words, I doubt there is anything he would refuse to wear unless it
is was made of mint chocolate or mayonnaise.
12. What is his favorite sports team?
The Cleveland Browns, The Atlanta Braves and The Boston Celtics.
13. Who will he vote for?
The candidate he has deemed to be the best all around person for the office.
14. Who is his best friend?
He will tell you it's me. : )
Other than little ol' me, he is still quite close to his High School buddies, the husbands of my dearest friends and his old military friends. He loves spending time with our son Dan. He also *really likes*, and is quite proud of my brother, even though my brother would not always guess it. : )
15. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do?
Be so self deprecating, not getting enough sleep and being so hard on myself.
16. How many states has he lived in?
Ohio, Arizona, Kentucky, Montana, Arkansas, Tennessee, Florida (3 times),
Virginia (2 times), California (2 times), New York, Illinois and Texas. He keeps getting run out of everywhere! : )
17. What is his heritage?
Irish and German...and Kentuckian. Yes, it CAN be a heritage!
18. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what kind of cake?
Toss up: German Chocolate or a Cheesecake
19. Did he play sports in high school?
He played a LOT of baseball, football and basketball but never on an organized HS team. He loved (and still loves) street ball, pick up ball. The rougher the better, much t his wife's chagrin. And yes, I have had to go retrieve him from the ER more than once due to injuries. Egads!
He was a marathoner even back in HS...I guess it helps to be a good runner when you keep getting kicked out of so many states! : )
20. What could he spend hours doing?
Besides catching up on the sleep he does not get? Watching movies,
running, being with his family and avoiding mayonnaise.
I'm glad you had fun with this meme. I did too.
I enjoyed learning more about your husband. He has a couple of things in common with mine -- being fascinated with military aircraft (he loves the AF museum) and loving cheesecake!
Fun to read and funny too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
It was nice to learn more about Bill.
Interesting to note that Bill loves military models and that my Bob spends every minute possible building WWII armor models and competing in model shows. Weird hobby, huh? and oh yeah, watching the Military Channel and eating salad plain, (ugh) and not even looking at mayo. Personally I could eat mayo straight from the jar, yum. Guess those two would have a lot to talk about.
We are off to Vermont for the weekend.
He sounds like a good man. He doesn't drink beer and he likes reuben sandwiches. Now that is a good man!
This is a great post but the best part is the photo! I love it!
You call that "OLD"?!?! I can give ya "OLD", sweet chick!!! Well, I'm not telling but I'm waaaaaay ahead of your hubs!!
Hi, dear sweet Susie! Wish I could get by to see you more often...I need a clone. Thanks for stopping by, you are always welcome. xoxo
Enjoyed this post learning more about "leaning Billy". I also got caught up by reading the last two posts. Grace's pumpkin house is adorable. Surely, some fairy will jump to buy that one even with the current housing market! Sally
You are just too dang funny. Tell Billy thanks for the laughs...not at his expense of course!
Your Bill is such a good sport! And, a VERY good man!!
Hi Susie,
Love your list about your husband.
I knew i would like him!!
I don't really like mayonaise that much. My husband doesn't like mint and chocolate together either. I also graduated in, I hate to say it, 1974.
Hope you guys are having a great weekend!
Great list about Bill
I don't like doing those lists either.
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Hi Sue, I'm back! Been catching up on your posts ... you've been so busy and love the pictures you took. I am with Bill on the plain salad; although we call everything that doesn't have sauces or dressings "bald." My niece started that when she was little and requested "bald" spaghetti. Don't know where she came up with it, but it stuck. xxoo
Oooh...I think this may be the beginning of a scrapbook page. I don't know if I'd get all these questions right for my sweetie!
What a fun read!!! Nice to hear about Mr. Rabbit Run Cottage!
He sounds like a wonderful husband, Sue!!!!!!!!!!! A keeper!!
This was fun, learning about Bill.
He looks like a great sport, and fun to be with...just like you..!
I just found a website that sells bunny shaped pasta. Thought you might like to have it:
Copy the whole address and it will take you right to the page. I'm ordering the peace sign pasta. xxoo
I laughed when I saw all the places he's lived....definitely proof that he was a military man :o)
I'll eat sandwiches with your Billy any day. bwaaack to mayonnaise.
ha ha.
Hi SQ!!!
Such a sweet post on Hubby...he sounds like such a wonderful man!
You are very blessed, my dear!
Remember, count your blessings, one by one, then you will see what the Lord has done!
Thanks for stopping by! I have been so irratic about my postings. Life has taken be away, but that's o.k.
I hope you have a wonderful evening, dear SQ!!!
xxxooo Ruth
*loved* the photo. Wonderful write-up too!
What a fun read that was! Does it work in reverse ... about you? Or have I missed something?
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