...uh huh. The fat lady must have been singin' 'cause Grace's softball season came to an end late Saturday afternoon. It came during the second round of tourney play and wow. It was a real heart breaker at the end...7-8. But the girls played hard and well, were great sports and had so much fun. They learned a lot this season and worked together as a team and as friends. It doesn't get better than that!
There will be a cook out for the team this Saturday, to celebrate their season and get together again. We all look forward to that!
I hope you all had a sweet weekend and that all the dads in your lives were treated well!
Have a wonderful week...stay cool and smile a lot! Life is such a precious gift!
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q
What style...what form...she looks like a natural:-) What a shame Grace and her team didn't win but as you say, they learned a lot this season and friendships have been made. Watch out next season, they'll be a team to be reckoned with!! Love ya! xoxo
She just looks like a jock! I love it, cause I was one, too. If you want to go out this week, call me ASAP, okay? xoxo Suey
Sigh.... I remember those days... they are long gone for us... enjoy them while you can!
having picked a few splinters out of the seat of my pants over the years, I can honestly say, I bet you are glad!
Hey there my sweet friend! Wow, Grace is such a pretty girl. She even looks adorable in her softball outfit...ok, ok...uniform! :)
Looking forward to next season!
Aw they worked hard though! Have a nice time :)
All the best,
So much fun! But, I was always kind of glad when a sport season was over with my kids. I was ready to move on to something else. There will always be special memories of that specific team and time. Have a great week. Sally
Congrats to Grace and her team for a well played season. Having fun is the most important part!
Could you please send some of that warmth our way? Not too much and no humidity thanks, but some temps in the 70s with sun would be nice.
Love ya,
Congrats on what I am sure was a fun season! Now what will you do with all that "spare" time? ;)
Have a great day!
What fun....I remember playing...my kids weren't into sports really, not the bench sitting kind anyways. My sons raced boats and bikes and now motorcycles. I wish I could sit on a bench and cheer them on. Grace and her friends had a good time and there's always next year.
this brings back so many memories. All three of our girls played softball. Gosh -- hours and hours of quick meals after work -- taking kids to practice -- watching games -- heading for pizza after -- etc.
so long ago it seems. Kind of makes me a little teary. Kisses to Grace!
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