Ah, Spring Break and where to go, what to do. We had plans to go to Asheville, North Carolina this week. I even gave up BRIAN for it! Yes...*sad sigh*...I gave up Brian. Bill said it was either go to see Brian in Chicago or North Carolina in the Spring. I have been to North Carolina but only in the Summer and Fall. I longed to see it in the early Spring! So I, gulp, chose NC! Aw, it wasn't a hard decision really. I was going to meet Penny! That's right! I was finally going to meet Penny in Hendersonville, North Carolina! Just a quick trip from Asheville, Hendersonville is such a pretty town. Penny and her husband were driving into Hendersonville from their home, we were driving into town from our hotel! I was so excited!
Then, with a thud, the other shoe dropped. Where the military is concerned, that other shoe is ALWAYS waiting to drop. I spent 27 years with so many shoes being tossed at me, I had perpetual bruises! We never took a trip or had holiday plans that weren't, somehow, in some way, compromised. *sigh* Even after retirement, those shoes kept piling up, waiting for our vacation plans...*twap* Bill works for a defense contractor so we are still connected to the military. *sigh* "So Sue thinks she is going on a lovely trip to North Carolina? HA! Give me that size 12 stiletto! Hey Sue...INCOMING...!" *thunk*
Nope, Bill was to be sent to Washington DC this week. No NC. No Penny. Okay. I put on my big girl panties and started making some DC in the Spring plans. Cherry blossoms in bloom (which I have not seen in years) and nice, temperate weather..unlike the heat we had on our last DC trip! Okay! I am happy about it...I will see Penny soon...I will get all packed for DC...what?
*thawck* No DC either? Huh? Oh. I gave up Brian for...for...for...Dayton? Yes. Bill is going to DC tomorrow, just for the day. Plans were changed once again. More shoes were hurled, thrown, tossed, kerplunked. Unpack the suitcases, put away the Triptik.
So, no Penny, no North Carolina, no Washington DC, no Chicago, no Brian. *sigh* I think I will go
and see if there are any size 9 1/2 Nikes in this pile of shoes. I could use some new sneakers.