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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas Long, Long Ago...

....years and years. Centuries actually. Okay. Maybe not THAT
long ago but it sure feels that way sometimes!
I unearthed a little photo of my brother's first Christmas in 1967. I had
just turned 11 in October, Jim was 6 months old.

I was one proud big sister. Still am. Even when he drives me batty.
I still love him. Always did. Always will.

I hope all of you are having a sweet week! We have more snow on the horizon. Yep.

Until later...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Winter's Bliss

When there's snow on the ground, I like to
pretend I'm walking on clouds.   
~Wild World, 2005
Uh huh! That's what it is! Snow...and since they say it fell in 49 of our
 United States of America over the last week, most of us saw some!

 I am one of those odd ducks who love Winter, love snow and
love to be snowed in. Yes, you may all commence to roll your eyes and giggle now...go ahead! I know you want to!
But I do! I love to bundle up and head out to take some much beauty in Winter.

I hope you are staying warm and dry in your lovely homesbut I do hope you are able to delight in a little of the sweet beauty that can only be found at this time of year!

Winter came down to our home one night

Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow,

And we, we were children once again.

~Bill Morgan, Jr.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Wishing all of you blessings in abundance in 2011!

Even on the dreariest day, a day when nothing seems to go right, blessings are all around us.

I have had to remind myself of this fact many times over the last month. 2010 surely didn't end on the sweetest note. You all know we lost our Kipper in late November. Our hearts are only just beginning to heal thanks, in part, to all the kindnesses & love shown to us by our friends and family. I can never fully express what it has meant to us.

My mother has not been well and was unable to do so many of the things she loves. I have been spending as much time as possible with her and helping her get to doctor appointments and tests, doing her shopping and running errands for her. It is just a blessing to be able to do it for her!

As well, my brother and sister in law's marriage is ending and my heart breaks for them, for all of us. As you can imagine, when a family is as small as ours is, this comes as such a blow.

To say the least, the holiday season was decidedly different! Tinged with worry and sadness yes but blessings were still to be found.

Sunlight on a field of snow, singing along with a favorite song on the car radio, a gentle hug from a loved one, Grace & Dan's happy laughter as they challenge one another to a Wii game! Holding Bill's hand as we take a drive, our cats sweet purrs as they make themselves comfortable on our laps. My nephew Brady's kisses, an unexpected call from an old friend, watching a great old movie while snuggling on the sofa. Buttered popcorn, hot cider and a good pot of chili simmering on the stove.
Lunch out with girlfriends, planning our next vacation, the delicious smell of an apple pie baking.
These are just a few blessings that made me smile during the last few weeks.

I do hope that you, and those you love, are finding blessings aplenty to make your heart sing!

...and I count all of you among my blessings every day. Thank you for being a part of my life!