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Thursday, March 26, 2009

April Showers...2 Days Early

And the home owner's motto? Never give up, never give
naughty leprechaun shenanigans that is!
A few new stones, 3 new faces and something to keep those April showers
at bay...
The story of this spunky homeowner will be in Thursday's edition of the Dayton Daily News accompanied by pictures taken by one Susie Q from Rabbit Run Cottage!
The rain fell for three days. Perfect weather, if you're a robin lookinng for worms. The ducks and geese were everywhere, in pairs,
happily splashing in puddles and protecting their nests from evil
intruders. Evil beings like me...
HONK! Stay away from my nest you human you! HONK!
This goose was doing one of the best weather vane impressions
I have ever seen! Here he is doing an inimitable WNW!


Rosemary said...

Wow, those are some huge geese.
Hope you had a nice weekend.

Sue said...

Sue, oooooh- so you mean I am missing all of that lovely rain in Dayton? It is so nice and sunny here in CA. sorry...... We leave here Thursday am and will be back late.
Talk to ya soon..... xxoo Sue
P.S. Save a copy of the DDN to read, I stopped my paper for vacation.

Brenda Eason said...

Oh the goose looks so fake. That was so neato. Thanks for your kindness.

Harbor Hon said...

Congratulations on the pic in the Dayton Daily News! I think that's fabulous! Those geese sure look cute walking around and I love the one pretending to be a weathervane. You're a funny bunny lady. Honk! :) xxoo

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

My son and mom both get the Dayton Daily, so I'll ask one of them to save that day's issue for us so I can see your pics in the paper!
How exciting!

the pleasures of homemaking said...

Congratulations on the pictures being in the paper! That so cool! Those stones are so funny!


Terri Steffes said...

I love geese, hate goose poop.

Salmagundi said...

I somehow missed this post - I was just checking this a.m. to see if you had fallen off the face of the earth. But, I see you are out chasing geese. We have mating geese all along our river walk & road. This time of the year they think they are in charge!!! Pretty soon we will see little ones following across the road. Have a good week, Sue. Sally

Pamela said...

OOOOH! you are published!

Recently, I saw one of those geese sitting up high in a tree, above the others down in the creek - so I wonder if they have a "scout" that they send up high to watch for predators?

I saw one on the neighbors roof last year, too. They look so wrong up there. ha ha

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Rain rain, go away, come again another day...oh, sorry, got carried away with all the rain we've been having here with snow on occasion as well. :( Yes, I'm whining. I'll stop. Loved the goose pic on top of the house. That is too funny. Speaking of geese, did you know that they will nest on the side of mountains??? Yes, that's right. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen, but the mountains across the river from where my folks live, there are geese nesting on the sides of the mountain! Go figure.