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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Whew! It was a busy week and I am just now catching my breath!
Birthday week has come and gone once again. I will just share a few pictures with you so you don't get TOO bored! Grace had a great breakfast and opened two gifts in the morning..."Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and a Vera Bradley (In *Cupcakes Pink* of course!)wallet...with squeals of delight!
She took decorated sugar cookies to school to share with the class and came home happy and ready to "party"! She had asked that we go, as a family, to her favorite restaurant, "The Chop House". Of course, *family* also means her BFF, the beautiful Miss K!
The Birthday Diva and Miss K
Brady always travels with lots of fun things! Hey Boo! Grace took this picture of Uncle Jim and pretty for the camera!
Whatcha gonna have Gracie? It all looks good!
What are YOU havin' K? You will notice that I am not showing any pictures of Dan or Bill from dinner. Aha! Good reason! They were late arriving and I had stored the camera by then. Dan drove himself and on the way, well, he was involved in a fender bender. Bill left to make sure all was well so they were not in any of the restaurant shots! No one injured and the cars are only scraped really. The other driver was so dear and easy to work with that Dan sent her flowers the next day. Yes, my son IS a gentleman! No one was cited and the insurance companies are taking care of everything so...whew! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Then it was back to Rabbit Run for presents, cake and silliness.
What! No presents for the Kipster?
The HSM 3 Game from Miss K! Yoo Hoo!
Just what she wanted!! Mario Kart from Grandma!
More Wii games = A Happy Grace
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Hurry Daddy! The ice cream is melting!
We had an ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery and oh my. It was soooo good.
Happy Birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear Grace...happy
birthday to you!
Make that wish and git 'er done kid!
Then it was off to have a balloon war..Miss K and the Diva against the big brother Dan.
Aw gee...penning him into the laundry room seems a bit unfair doesn't it?
Attack! Attack!
Bye bye Boo...see you tomorrow!
Miss K says good bye to Grandma... does the birthday girl. Bye Gram and thank you so much! The next morning we are off to Chuckie Cheese for Boo's special day!
Oh did he love this game/ride. A fun cartoon flight simulator and it was, well,
lets just, say *I* wanted to go ride too!
You could watch his reactions via the screen at the top...
See Gracie? This is how you do it!
Uh huh Uncle Bill! It is almost as cool as flying in YOUR plane in the Navy huh?
Whew! All that playin' makes a guy thirsty Mommy!
Grace is a Skeeball Queen!
Aw there is a line for my favorite ride! Okay Daddy...let's
wait...dum de dum...
What's this? A Kentucky Deby riding game!! Well, Boo likes horses so... Okay Daddy...wait for the signal...
See Uncle Bill...see Mommy? This is how it is done!
And in lane 4, the winner of the 2009 Kentucky Derby, Brady Boo riding Star Struck!
Bye bye Gram...I had lots of fun. Thank you for everything...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We also attended a wonderful art exhibit that featured the best of the best works from local children K-8th grade. Grace had 4 pieces of her work on display so I will show you that tomorrow!
Now I am off to shower and change. Bill and I have a big date tonight! Dinner and a concert...Elton John and Billy Joel in Cincinnati! Jim and Lisa gave us the certificate to a fun restaurant in Cincy and the tickets to the concert as a Christmas gift. I am so excited! I have seen Elton twice but have never seen Billy. This should be a great night of music!
Till next time....
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q


imjacobsmom said...

Those two aren't spoiled one little bit, are they? It looks like they both had some very fun birthdays. I'm jealous that you are attending the John & Joel concert - I've been to see Billy Joel but never Elton John. Billy doesn't disappoint ~ Robyn

Salmagundi said...

Oh my!! I'm tired just reading about all of the festivities. Looks like a fun time was had by all. I know that your night on the town was marvelous, also. Rest up, now. Sally

SmilingSally said...

This looks like a terrific celebration.

Lisa Pogue said...

What wonderful celebrations. The pictures make my heart happy for you and yours!!

Harbor Hon said...

What a great time was had by the birthday girl and boy. I love skee ball! Glad Dan was ok. Kip, dude, did anyone remember to get you some 'scream so you could party too? :) xxoo

Gill said...

Grace is growing like a weed!
Happy Birthday girl!~ enjoy enjoy enjoy!!!!

Kathleen Grace said...

It looks like you had a wonderful week celebrating with the kids:>) Childhood memories are priceless.

Melissa said...

It's so nice that those two can share their special day! And for the record, skeeball is one of my favorite games too!

Valerie said...

what a wonderful birthday for both of your babies - man i wish i could've partied with you!

have fun @ Elton & Billy tonight...Brendan & i saw them together years ago down in San Diego @ the Murph...they totally rocked!!

Debra from Bungalow said...

What a fun birthday! Wish I were her...LOL!

I'm jealous of you getting to see Elton & Billy! Have fun, DebraK

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy birthday again to Grace and Brady! What winderful times they had and you captured all the special moment so well in your photographs, Sue! Tell Grace I was a skeeball champ once too!

I'm glad Dan was OK --he certainly is a gentleman.

WOW --Elton John and Billy Joel together!?! What a great concert that must have been!

Sue said...

I have been so behind of checking the blogs!! I missed Miss Grace's birthday "day"...the last day I checked in it was the day before....It looks like she had a wonderful birthday including the birthday breakfast!! How cute thatr her best girlie friend got to join in on the birthday dinner....Love the pictures of that your Mom or Bill's?? I have had a very infected swollen twice it's size finger for the past week...Thought a trip to the hand surgeon was in my future but the 3 antibiotics I've been taking seem to be killing th staph infection...Yikes. all from re-potting a basil plant...Anyhoo, make sure you show Grace my Tablescape Thursday table tonight ot tomorrow...I think she'll like it....I'm celebrating Barbie's 50th. birthday!! Big Hugs, Sue

Sue said...

Can you tell I'm typing with one hand...look at all the mistakes I made!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

hi I love your blog and all of the pictures.. what a beautiful family and adorable blog. I am bookmarking your site. Have a great day..

Meggie said...

Ooooh, can't wait to hear all about the concert, Sue. Happy Birthday again to Grace and Boo! So glad that no one was hurt in the fender bender. Flowers? Tell Dan he can scrape my fender any day.

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

She is growing into such a lovely young lady. What a great party. Everyone looks so happy...m..

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Looks like Grace and Boo had a fun filled birthday! Happy Birthday to Boo and Grace.

Sheila said...

What fun parties! Looks like they had such fun. Lisa also has that Mario Kart game for Wii, she loves it. And that other game - Pet Sports - that one looks like something Lisa would like too! AND that Chihuahua dvd! All good ideas for her birthday coming up. ;)

Neabear said...

Wow! Great pictures!! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. I felt like I was right there. How lucky for you to go to the concert!