Ah...pretty Summer flowers. So sweet and yet they headline a not so sweet post.
Pleas do continue on down to read my Fun Foto Post and the Minnesota Wedding post if you have yet to see them...(And yes! That is a shameless bit of post self promotion!) Kipper would also encourage you to pop on back down the blog to read his Ritter's post of a week ago too but that is just him. Hmpf.
This will be a gentle rant. Really, it will be.
One of the dearest bloggers in my circle has received a very unkind comment and this left me a wee bit angry. Okay, so it angered me a lot. Maybe it is just good old me who has yet to understand how anyone gets their assorted jollies by being cruel. Or attempting to be. Free speech is a privilege but does not mean free to be out and out snarky.
I love an exchange of ideas. I love hearing other folk's opinions. I respect that. I love that! That said, none of us will ever totally please everyone. Impossible.
But here is a memo to all those who feel they MUST smack at others with words...it takes a small person to indulge in such play. Why read a blog if you do not enjoy it? D'uh.
Life is too short for that eh? Why do some feel the need to tell a blogger off and regale them with
all the reasons they hate their blog? Are they so devoid of self esteem?
And, if said surly bloggers are only looking for *soul mate* bloggers who perfectly mirror themselves, well, how sad would that be? How does one grow intellectually, creatively or spiritually in this way?
And, just why do many of those who unleash their hostilities on others, do so anonymously?
Yup, we all KNOW why. Under that cloak of anonymity they feel strong. But we all know better don't we?
To chastise someone for being proud of where they live is silly. To snarl and fuss because a blogger eats in a healthy manner and exercises regularly is odd. If you hate those who do, you are so gonna LOVE me right? (I'm just sayin'...)
Some of us are more, well, gifted shall we say, financially. Some of us are not. Some are better traveled, have better careers, are better cooks and are just plain better lookin' than some others.
Some bloggers live in bigger houses, have bigger gardens (with fewer weeds), drive bigger cars
(Only in America would this be a real issue!), why even their dogs are bigger! (Now, if you want a big cat, I offer up my chubby Lucy. Just sayin')
Should I only desire blog friends who live in one room flea bag hotels, suffer the heartbreak of psoriasis and hangnails, gain weight by gazing at the labels of soup cans, raise hoards of dust bunnies under their beds & order pizza every night because their cooking has been declared a world health hazard by the FDA? My self esteem might rise a few notches perhaps but how inspiring would this be? Besides, I too have the occasional hangnail. *sigh*
To paraphrase Sgt. Esterhaus from Hill Street Blues., "Let's all be careful out there...careful with one another." There will never be true peace in this world if we, as women (and the few men who read my blog) bloggers can not even treat one another with kindness.
Now, here is where I fess up and say I too have received a few, dizzy fizzy comments and emails.
I used to let it bother me but no longer. I am getting too old to let such things ruin a good day.
And, if I am awake, breathing and able to get out of bed, it IS a good day.
I have even received one or 32 emails in which the writer felt he or she needed to point out my short comings. Let's discuss some of the best tidbits shall we? Oh, and I have also included the exact spelling and grammar used in said tidbits...ahem.
Pay attention now class, there WILL be a test.
"You thnk you are so funny but you are NOT!"
"The music on your play list is awful. Get rid of it!"
"Your pictures is not so great. Stop showing them or I wil not come here no more."
"You will burn in Hell for adultress behavor."
(This was in reference to my crush on a certain actor. Bill laughed himself silly. Should I be offended? Not by the email, but my husband's laughter?)
"If you had to adopt kids, God must hate you. God gives babies to those He loves."
I know, I know...we ALL know how ridiculous THIS is!
"You could be a little pretty of you lost weight."
But I wanted to be a LOT pretty...gee whiz.
"I won't be back because I thought you were a good Christian and you are not!"
"I will not come here anymore because you are too Christian for me."
Like I said, we can not please everyone can we?
And we are only scratching the iceberg's tip of some of the fun I have read!
I will admit I worry about keeping the bloggers I have come to know and love, well, keeping you all happy. When a post receives only a few comments, I often worry that it was too wordy, too silly, too boring...too, too, too.
I worry that if I am unable to leave comments on other blogs, will they stop coming by to see me?
I worry that if I do not get around to welcoming a new commenter, they will stop coming by.
If a blog friend has not left a comment in awhile, I worry that I have offended them, bored them, run them off in some way.
Worry IS my middle name (Okay, so you all know it is really Ellen but Worry is more apt.)
I thrive on worry.
I worry that if I don't post enough photos about my house, those who adore home decor (Me included!) will stop coming. I worry that if I post more photos of my home, those who are bored by home decor will stop coming. Huh? Yeah...I know.
So there you have it. I worry and it is silly. I KNOW it is. I am who I am and I write what I write. I guess I can only hope I don't bore everyone but if I do, it is just me being me right?
I worry, I do worry, I have worries, I will worry, I might worry. Worry, worry, worry.
If I ever write anything that a fellow blogger does not agree with, I welcome their comment. I may well learn something. I welcome being told I have been offensive if I have...but there are right and wrong ways to
complain. I doubt that any of us would wish to outright offend anyone, especially our dear friends. I worry about that.
I might even worry that this post will leave some of you scratching your head and asking yourself why you bothered to drop by at all.
None of us are perfect. None of us get out of this life without some pain, worry, stress and sadness. No matter the size of your home, dog or bankbook, those things will find you.
To dislike someone because they live differently, dress differently, speak differently is silly. To dislike someone because they have a different color of skin, worship in a different manner,
read different books or watch Dancing With The Stars when you don't is, well, even more silly.
Silly, silly, silly. Monty Python had wonderful routines about silly people. I would include them but those who find Monty Python ridiculous would be offended. *silly smile*
So, in memory of Sgt. Phil Esterhaus, be careful out there...be careful with one another. I will worry about it if you don't...*grin* I'm just sayin'....
Love and Hugs,
Susie Q