Most of the photos here at Rabbit Run Cottage can be enlarged just by clicking on each one!
There you go...see? Easy!
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Edited: Hello everyone and thank you for your sweet comments. Lilly asked about paint color. This is Laura Ashley #5 purchased at Lowes. The chandy was a closeout from Lowes as well, purchased last year. The shades and cord cover came from Hobby Lobby. The rabbit tray (Just as wonderful as you think it is!) came from our own Penny at Lavender Hill Studio!
Hey there dear friends! Our Pamela over at "The Dust Will Wait" is the only one that caught my *deliberately* misspelled word!! Or, perhaps you thought it was truly a faux pas on my part? I mentioned that the dining room re do was achieved with "2 cans of pain" and I meant that literally!! The results are well worth it (which I can say now that it is over!) but using that deep burgundy in a satin finish was...was...well, let us just say it was not Heaven. Ahem. Nope. And even after using a tinted primer, covering up that rich navy blue was torture. What? You are asking if we are experienced painters?? (Okay, so pretend you asked that.) Hmm...what gave us away huh? That answer would be a resounding "NO, oh NO, Help us NO Stop us if we attempt to paint again NO " but it does look oh so gosh danged purty. Then there was the putting everything back where it belongs but only after weeding out and cleaning and polishing and, well, you get the idea. But it is done and my Billy did good. He was the one on the ladder painting around the crown moulding which, contrary to all the rumors, is not really a laugh inducing activity! Especially since he is married to this chubby blond who would drive him batty if there were burgundy paint anywhere on the white moulding. Can you imagine? She really is a battle ax I am telling you.
Thank you for your very dear and generous comments about the room. Several of you asked if I put the pictures up in my files at HGTV's Rate My Space and that would be a yes. Yes with a cute little asterisk. Yes, but I was almost sorry I did. I was initially bombarded with bad ratings but hey. I know how many users there are. I have seen the ugly comments left for others so I am grateful not to have received many of those. Just a few *very average* and *Ehhh* ratings. Like it or not, *I* love my room re-do and phooey to those who do not. Hmpf. My home is not grand and will never cause anyone to lose consciousness from design delight (and we all know how painful that can be) but I think it is pretty swell. I will never be asked to host an HGTV show but heck. I know how to do a room on a budget, create a home from many a blank, dingy canvas (Just ask any military wife!)
and do it all while belting out Broadway show tunes. When was the last time you heard Clive Pearse or Donna Freeman singing "Annie Get Your Gun"? Any takers? Hm? I thought so.
And speaking of New York, and when am I NOT speaking of New York, thank you for providing me with some comfort as I grieved the fact I would not be at The New York Public Library last Monday for the Irish writer and theatrical producer Josephine Hart's poetry evening which was here in the United States for the first time. One Mr. Brian Dennehy was there to read and I was, quite sadly, not. *sniff* I am still suffering but I will put on my brave face. Brian would expect that.
I have posted a photo from the library's web spaces that was taken Monday evening. Now, I have no idea who this
Susie Q he is reading about could be but we all know it can NOT be moi.
Poor Brian had to endure the night without me at his side but I am glad to see he persevered.
Heck, he even wore a tie! I am really impressed!
Hi- thanks for the comment! That was quick - I just posted that 5 minutes ago. I love your new header - you always have the best pictures. And I think your dining room looks great - who cares about Rate my Space - they are such chips on the their back people!
You are just too funny. I LOVE the dining room re-do. Love it like CRAZY love it. Loved the post about those old buildings you visited and WOW is that ever good dog advice?!!! I should be more like a dog. And wear a cute bandana too. I would love your advice on my front yard if you have a moment to stop by and see the photo of the front of my house ... also I believe you would love to read my daughter Rebecca's (Bex) poetry. She wrote four or five poems which I have just posted because I am SO dang proud of them. She's a junior in High School. I'm sure there was a chair in New York with your name tag on it, honoring your absence. How about a pic of the hair? Man I love visiting you! Great great great writing style, as per usual. Love love love! Wendy
Great post as usual! I love your new red room, who cares what they say over there at RMS? Sometimes people just are mean to make themselves feel superior. Every time I visit there is a new look to your blog......great pix & wonderful humor. Have a great day, DebraK
I think your home looks absolutely LOVELY!!! Decorating should be a very personal choice, as it is where YOU live. I say Raspberries to those HGTV negative comments. If we all liked the same thing, this would be one boring place! :-) Hugs!!
Phooey to those Rate My Space people! You and your family love it and that's all that really matters. I know your pain - I once painted my kitchen red and it had been blue. Many, many , many (shall I go on) many, coats later it was the brick red that I wanted. Red is just that way anyway I think. Anyway, I love your room re-do!
I'm back! I'm making up for lost time (I've been gone helping Mom since she had her knee replaced. The other days I've been walking all over the planet on my days without the car... takes longer to walk than to drive, apparently! Lol!)
But today I'm here. Re-enjoying your dining room photos. I need to redo mine too. I'm thinking watermelon red. It's just calling to me. But peeling off the wall paper isn't going to be fun!
Rains / pours ME that is. Nothing from me for the last several posts, and then BAM like a thunderstorm! She's posting a comment AGAIN!?!? That Wendster girl is NEEDY! Lol!
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who walks around singing Show Tunes, LOL! (My song today was "Do You Hear the People Sing? from Les Mis. Yesterday, it was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious--yeah, I'm schizo when it comes to music.) I love the room! And I hate painting. You are very brave. Anyone who takes up a paintbrush is brave, IMHO.
Oh how I love the look of the dining room re do......just love it and your colors are my all time favorites. You did a wonderful job decorating and I wish I could turn on HGTV and see you and your lovely cottage my friend. I would tune in every day.
Your room is so gorgeous and I love all your accessories. You certainly have a gift at decorating.
About RMS, after reading some of the negative comments, I think that certainly they must be children who are doing that just to see how silly they can be.
LOVELY redo, SusieQ! Very very nice! I, too, can put a new spin on a room with a sparse budget. I agree with DebraK...who care what others say about the room...if you like it, that's all that really counts. It's comfy and cozy and a wonderful home for you and your lovely family.
I just think it looks lovely. The color is so fun. My house is just boring off white. I seem to just have no imagination when it comes to painting. (Oh my painting is so difficult...I am all for having a My sister did her living room in a funky yellow and a red color in her dining room. She calls it Ketchup and Mustard. It looks great!!! Trust your taste because it is very good.
I love your color and all. I always do though, so I suppose I'm prejudiced. -grin- And that red is something like our powder room. But no way can I get the color to show right, when I try to picture our powder room. So I gave up.
As to putting pics up someplace {HGTV} for nasty people to comment....Ugh. Who needs it? Some can, but not me. :-) I'm just plain chicken and not totally sold on my abilities. So no taking chances with pout-producing comments, for me. ,-)
I always get bad ratings..I have learned they don't love junk. Well,honey my treasures are not junk! I give you a 100% I love it and I want a bunny picture like yours so bad!My birthday is Sunday if you overnight it I could get it lol... im joking babe,but it really catches the eye. Hugs,brenda
Hi Susie Q, I love your new dining room. My dining room is painted Egyptian red and I just love it. And yes painting a room with red "pain" is a "pain" in the bootie and it's really hard not to get any on the white woodwork. :) Have a super great weekend. ~ Lynn
Sue honey.... they don't understand us over there. I'm really glad I met you and some of the other girls, but I'm seriously about to take eveything off of there. I felt bad about leaving for quite a while, but 80% of them are idiots. There has been homes in magazines that are decorated in our style that have a 3.0 rating. How ridiculous! I got what I wanted and have moved on to the wonderful world of blogging like you did. What took me so long?! Have you noticed that quite a few have joined you? Much more fun :)
Your home is one of the most beautiful that ever graced that site and I say to He** with them ;)
Susie... Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the "sweetest of sweet" you always seem to do! I am really pumped about our sweeties new venture into the business world...a bit daunting at first; I am sure...but I do believe in her talents and I think they will be what prevails throughout this journey!
Love, Love, Love your red room...and for (HGTV/RATE MY SPACE (dropouts)or wannabes)ANYONE who says anything differently...well...they just don't have the same manners or good taste that we do...hmmmph to them is right!! I personally love it all... the blue and white goodies and dishes are always a winner in my book!
Again, Thanks for stopping by...I will have to forward that comment to the way...I have always thought you are a great photographer!! And you are living your dream through sharing your photos with us. I cetainly enjoy all of them!
Oh...and Brian surely DID miss you the other night...I can see it in his eyes...DEAD SEXY!!...he is in those readers, too! Gotta love a man who can pull off looking sexy in readers!
I love your room, and the color. It's GREAT!!! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Why yes I wear my crown while running around with the feather duster. NOT!! Poor me, I don't even have a crown yet. They keep flying out the door. What is a princess to do? Have a great weekend!!! Rosemary
Hi, Sue, Hope this is fun for you... I had a hard time finding people to tag... this is pretty random... hope you don't mind, but...
Tag, you're it!
Drew Kime has tagged me...yes, a silly chain-mail type meme... do I have time for this? Oh what the heck... (Drew's memoir: Drew is starting to get it.) Tag, you're it.
(Ryan of Ryan's Recipe Blog tagged Drew...)
Rules: 1. Write your own six-word memoir. 2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like. 3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post. 4. Tag five or six (choice is yours) more blogs with links. 5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
People getting tagged: Louise at the home is where the heart is Abbey at it's an abby's life Meggie at meggiecat Lisa at Lisa's RetroStyle Sue at Where Little Rabbits Play
Simply divine! Love the rich wall color and your accessories are fabulous :o) I laughed out loud when I read the,"Battle Ax" comment because recently DH and I saw a Cadillac with that on the license plate. I told DH that when I was old and senile I was going to get that put on mine ;o)He said it was fitting so I of course told him what "his" should say being the quick and witty girl that I am! the dining room makeover!!! Des
Hi Sue! Love the re-do of your dining looks amazing! The color is wonderful.
Sorry you missed being at the New York Public Library. I'll be reading poetry here in Florida soon and you're welcome to attend. Oh...guess it wouldn't be the same without Brian. Thanks for sharing the wonderful poems with me.
Hi Sweet Susie Q~ I LOVE your dining room! And I am honored that you said I inspired you! I am a huge fan of red!! And Yellow!! And Green! Oh! AND Blue :-)....(you will see what I mean soon)
Your dining room is just perfect and those snobs over at rate my space are just plain rude! The ones that leave mean comments usually do not post their rooms....ever notice that?
Glad you love your rabbit looks perfect in your home! xo Penny
ps - come sign up for my 200th post giveaway, now through Monday!
Oooooh Sue, it's GORGEOUS!!! I love the new paint colour and everything looks sooo lovely! Having just painted my computer room, I know what a lot of work it is and I can imagine how much harder it is when it's a dark colour with a white ceiling! All I know is that I never want to become a professional painter...they'd have to carry me away to the loony bin! lol Honestly, Sue, I love it and what a difference it makes. The whole room looks so much more inviting and warm. xoxo
Your dining room re do is great! I just came from another blog who did her bedroom in red. It must be the new in color!! Have you changed your look again? It's great! xo
Ok, my dear, who gives a hoot at what people say on Rate My Space. Ya know, I have seen all kinds of entries that are so pretty and someone has left ho-hum remarks. Probably (and excuse my frankness) some OOOOOber-snob-Iweardesignerclothesandspeakwithalisp-OHMYGAWDgirllllllfaaaa-riend-overtattoedingirlysillyness.....kindaofapersoon. get it? Shaaaaa-eeeeeeeesh! Withapinkieheldup!!! OK. So there it is. I love your dining room and don't care what others say! It is brilliant and love the mix of colors. A job well done, missy! xo Becky
Hi- thanks for the comment! That was quick - I just posted that 5 minutes ago. I love your new header - you always have the best pictures. And I think your dining room looks great - who cares about Rate my Space - they are such chips on the their back people!
You are just too funny.
I LOVE the dining room re-do. Love it like CRAZY love it. Loved the post about those old buildings you visited and WOW is that ever good dog advice?!!!
I should be more like a dog.
And wear a cute bandana too.
I would love your advice on my front yard if you have a moment to stop by and see the photo of the front of my house ... also I believe you would love to read my daughter Rebecca's (Bex) poetry. She wrote four or five poems which I have just posted because I am SO dang proud of them. She's a junior in High School.
I'm sure there was a chair in New York with your name tag on it, honoring your absence. How about a pic of the hair?
Man I love visiting you! Great great great writing style, as per usual.
Love love love!
Great post as usual! I love your new red room, who cares what they say over there at RMS? Sometimes people just are mean to make themselves feel superior.
Every time I visit there is a new look to your blog......great pix & wonderful humor. Have a great day, DebraK
your room just look stunning...makes me want to go right out...almost...and buy some red paint...LOL
I think your home looks absolutely LOVELY!!!
Decorating should be a very personal choice, as it is where YOU live. I say Raspberries to those HGTV negative comments. If we all liked the same thing, this would be one boring place! :-)
Phooey to those Rate My Space people! You and your family love it and that's all that really matters. I know your pain - I once painted my kitchen red and it had been blue. Many, many , many (shall I go on) many, coats later it was the brick red that I wanted. Red is just that way anyway I think. Anyway, I love your room re-do!
It never rains but it pours, huh?
I'm back! I'm making up for lost time (I've been gone helping Mom since she had her knee replaced. The other days I've been walking all over the planet on my days without the car... takes longer to walk than to drive, apparently! Lol!)
But today I'm here. Re-enjoying your dining room photos. I need to redo mine too. I'm thinking watermelon red. It's just calling to me. But peeling off the wall paper isn't going to be fun!
Rains / pours ME that is. Nothing from me for the last several posts, and then BAM like a thunderstorm! She's posting a comment AGAIN!?!? That Wendster girl is NEEDY! Lol!
. ..
umm ...
Hi there Susie Q!
I wish I could serve you some manicotti! :-) I love them also.
I also LOVE Brian Dennehy! I didn't know he was in NYC
Your room makeover looks great -- that is such a nice color paint.
Who needs those HGTV snobs anyway?
Hugs, Pat
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who walks around singing Show Tunes, LOL! (My song today was "Do You Hear the People Sing? from Les Mis. Yesterday, it was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious--yeah, I'm schizo when it comes to music.)
I love the room! And I hate painting. You are very brave. Anyone who takes up a paintbrush is brave, IMHO.
I think you are really brave to post on Rate My Space. My rating is: great, but the most important part is you like it.
Oh how I love the look of the dining room re do......just love it and your colors are my all time favorites. You did a wonderful job decorating and I wish I could turn on HGTV and see you and your lovely cottage my friend. I would tune in every day.
Your room is so gorgeous and I love all your accessories. You certainly have a gift at decorating.
About RMS, after reading some of the negative comments, I think that certainly they must be children who are doing that just to see how silly they can be.
Your room looks fantastic!
LOVELY redo, SusieQ! Very very nice! I, too, can put a new spin on a room with a sparse budget. I agree with DebraK...who care what others say about the room...if you like it, that's all that really counts. It's comfy and cozy and a wonderful home for you and your lovely family.
I just think it looks lovely. The color is so fun. My house is just boring off white. I seem to just have no imagination when it comes to painting. (Oh my painting is so difficult...I am all for having a
My sister did her living room in a funky yellow and a red color in her dining room. She calls it Ketchup and Mustard. It looks great!!!
Trust your taste because it is very good.
I love your color and all. I always do though, so I suppose I'm prejudiced. -grin- And that red is something like our powder room. But no way can I get the color to show right, when I try to picture our powder room. So I gave up.
As to putting pics up someplace {HGTV} for nasty people to comment....Ugh. Who needs it? Some can, but not me. :-) I'm just plain chicken and not totally sold on my abilities. So no taking chances with pout-producing comments, for me. ,-)
I always get bad ratings..I have learned they don't love junk. Well,honey my treasures are not junk! I give you a 100% I love it and I want a bunny picture like yours so bad!My birthday is Sunday if you overnight it I could get it lol... im joking babe,but it really catches the eye.
Hi Susie Q, I love your new dining room. My dining room is painted Egyptian red and I just love it. And yes painting a room with red "pain" is a "pain" in the bootie and it's really hard not to get any on the white woodwork. :) Have a super great weekend. ~ Lynn
Everytime I come here I see your blog is looking better and better... your new blog banner and warm colors are lovely....
Have a great weekend, Susie!
Sue honey.... they don't understand us over there. I'm really glad I met you and some of the other girls, but I'm seriously about to take eveything off of there. I felt bad about leaving for quite a while, but 80% of them are idiots. There has been homes in magazines that are decorated in our style that have a 3.0 rating. How ridiculous! I got what I wanted and have moved on to the wonderful world of blogging like you did. What took me so long?! Have you noticed that quite a few have joined you? Much more fun :)
Your home is one of the most beautiful that ever graced that site and I say to He** with them ;)
Big Hugs,
rue :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the "sweetest of sweet" you always seem to do! I am really pumped about our sweeties new venture into the business world...a bit daunting at first; I am sure...but I do believe in her talents and I think they will be what prevails throughout this journey!
Love, Love, Love your red room...and for (HGTV/RATE MY SPACE (dropouts)or wannabes)ANYONE who says anything differently...well...they just don't have the same manners or good taste that we do...hmmmph to them is right!! I personally love it all... the blue and white goodies and dishes are always a winner in my book!
Again, Thanks for stopping by...I will have to forward that comment to the way...I have always thought you are a great photographer!! And you are living your dream through sharing your photos with us. I cetainly enjoy all of them!
Oh...and Brian surely DID miss you the other night...I can see it in his eyes...DEAD SEXY!!...he is in those readers, too! Gotta love a man who can pull off looking sexy in readers!
I love your room, and the color.
It's GREAT!!!
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. Why yes I wear my crown while running around with the feather duster. NOT!! Poor me, I don't even have a crown yet. They keep flying out the door. What is a princess to do?
Have a great weekend!!!
Hi, Sue,
Hope this is fun for you... I had a hard time finding people to tag... this is pretty random... hope you don't mind, but...
Tag, you're it!
Drew Kime has tagged me...yes, a silly chain-mail type meme... do I have time for this? Oh what the heck... (Drew's memoir: Drew is starting to get it.)
Tag, you're it.
(Ryan of Ryan's Recipe Blog tagged Drew...)
1. Write your own six-word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person who tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five or six (choice is yours) more blogs with links.
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.
People getting tagged:
Louise at the home is where the heart is
Abbey at it's an abby's life
Meggie at meggiecat
Lisa at Lisa's RetroStyle
Sue at Where Little Rabbits Play
I think it looks great!
I LOVE the room!!!!!!! I think it looks gorgeous and can't imagine anyone not liking it!!
Your post, as always, sure made me smile this evening!
Have a super weekend!!
Wow- Gorgeous! I'm not too familiar with Rate my Space, but I'd allow you to redecorate my home any day of the week!
Thanks once again for making me smile :-)
Simply divine! Love the rich wall color and your accessories are fabulous :o) I laughed out loud when I read the,"Battle Ax" comment because recently DH and I saw a Cadillac with that on the license plate. I told DH that when I was old and senile I was going to get that put on mine ;o)He said it was fitting so I of course told him what "his" should say being the quick and witty girl that I am! the dining room makeover!!!
Hi Sue! Love the re-do of your dining looks amazing! The color is wonderful.
Sorry you missed being at the New York Public Library. I'll be reading poetry here in Florida soon and you're welcome to attend. Oh...guess it wouldn't be the same without Brian. Thanks for sharing the wonderful poems with me.
Love and Hugs, Andi
Hi Sweet Susie Q~
I LOVE your dining room! And I am honored that you said I inspired you! I am a huge fan of red!! And Yellow!! And Green! Oh! AND Blue :-)....(you will see what I mean soon)
Your dining room is just perfect and those snobs over at rate my space are just plain rude! The ones that leave mean comments usually do not post their rooms....ever notice that?
Glad you love your rabbit looks perfect in your home!
ps - come sign up for my 200th post giveaway, now through Monday!
Oooooh Sue, it's GORGEOUS!!! I love the new paint colour and everything looks sooo lovely! Having just painted my computer room, I know what a lot of work it is and I can imagine how much harder it is when it's a dark colour with a white ceiling! All I know is that I never want to become a professional painter...they'd have to carry me away to the loony bin! lol Honestly, Sue, I love it and what a difference it makes. The whole room looks so much more inviting and warm. xoxo
Your dining room re do is great!
I just came from another blog who did her bedroom in red. It must be the new in color!!
Have you changed your look again?
It's great!
Ok, my dear, who gives a hoot at what people say on Rate My Space. Ya know, I have seen all kinds of entries that are so pretty and someone has left ho-hum remarks. Probably (and excuse my frankness) some OOOOOber-snob-Iweardesignerclothesandspeakwithalisp-OHMYGAWDgirllllllfaaaa-riend-overtattoedingirlysillyness.....kindaofapersoon. get it? Shaaaaa-eeeeeeeesh! Withapinkieheldup!!! OK. So there it is. I love your dining room and don't care what others say! It is brilliant and love the mix of colors. A job well done, missy! xo
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