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Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Special Chinese Visitor

This month we hosted another Chinese middles school student!
Gao, or Rebecca as she liked to be called, (All the students
choose what they think of as American names to use)
fit right into our family.

She loved all of our pets and they loved her in return.

She and Grace loved to cook and "Rebecca"
enjoyed cooking us Chinese specialties.

We took her to eat at various restaurants, to see movies, to tour
various college campuses, to the Science Center in Columbus, 
to see the Air Force Museum, to play Laser Tag and to try ice skating 
at Dayton's Riverscape Park.

She and Grace hit it off almost immediately and
has such a wonderful time together.

We all got a bit teary eyed when it was time for her to leave but
we will hold our sweet memories tightly and always consider this
special young lady a part of our family!

Susie Q

Friday, January 16, 2015

Winter's Glory

Yes, I am one of those odd folks who loves Winter.
Uh huh. go ahead and roll your eyes and sigh, believe
me I have heard it before. But I do. I absolutely love this season.
So, if you can, bear with me as I revel in it's beauty
 for just a moment or two.

Winter came down to our home one night
Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed
slippers of snow, 
And we, we were children once again.

~Bill Morgan Jr.

I prefer winter and fall, when you feel the bone structure of
 the landscape—the loneliness of it—the dead feeling of winter. 
 Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn't show.

~Andrew Wyeth

Winter, a lingering season, is a time to gather golden moments,
embark upon a sentimental journey, and enjoy every idle hour.

~John Boswell

I may be in the minority in my devotion to this snowy season
but love it I do. Crisp, cold air, candlelight at night.
A roaring fire at home. Baking with the family
on icy evenings. A comforting quilt and a good book. My favorite woolly
sweaters. Hot chocolate and ice skating. Yes, I love Winter.

Stay warm!

Susie Q